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StarPower Guitars


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Oh, awesome! I just ordered one and I got it a few days ago. I had my brother take some pictures to show me(I'm away at school now) and everything looks pretty awesome.

^^some pictures

Now I just have to think about what color to paint/dye it...



paint it white! paint it white!! and does the headstock look like a real gibson one?

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Oh, awesome! I just ordered one and I got it a few days ago. I had my brother take some pictures to show me(I'm away at school now) and everything looks pretty awesome.

^^some pictures

Now I just have to think about what color to paint/dye it...




could you have your brother take a picture of the headstock?

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How difficult is it to paint it yourself?



It's not hard at all as long as you take your time and have patience. Truly the hardest part is waiting :) I've painted a few guitars before the whole paintyourownguitar thing came up, then I bought some of his ebooks and they were even more helpful for what I didn't quite know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The headstock is Gibson shaped...I had a picture around here somewhere. Binding goes all around the headstock and neck. I haven't been home yet to play it, I'll just post again when I get home on the 6th.


I think I'm going for a brownish/red for the back and sides and a blue or green for the top. It'd be sacrilegious to paint a top like that :)

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The headstock is Gibson shaped...I had a picture around here somewhere. Binding goes all around the headstock and neck. I haven't been home yet to play it, I'll just post again when I get home on the 6th.

I think I'm going for a brownish/red for the back and sides and a blue or green for the top. It'd be sacrilegious to paint a top like that


Mine is ok - feels a little...i dont know...it feels like the truss rodd and neck are really small. And the hardware isnt first class. For instance i have a massive hum coming from somewhere but dunno where. Not pups, not wiring to switches/knobs etc. We think its the jack.

BUT all that said - they are cheap, look GREAT and they really do play quite nicely.

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