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Access Virus C and Novation KS - Toccata and Fugue


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I've recently aquired these two synths and I have to say how impressed I am with the rich and warm sound of the Virus - for some reason I wasn't expecting this at all and it really does sound beautiful. I haven't recorded anything with it yet except a quick trial with Bach's Toccata and Fugue although most of the sounds in the video are actually the Novation.


If anyone could point me in the direction of a program,ming guide for the Virus that would be great, the manual is good but of course doesn't concentrate on how to create specific types of sound.


I find the KS sound to be quite 'simple' and it's very easy to program - a great synth and they're really cheap these days.


I assume it's ok to post videos here but let me know if not!




Cheers, Scott.

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Grats on those synths. The virus C is very good sounding.

I've had both KS5 and Virus TI1 and 2 and my friend had the Virus KC.


I will just add a few tips about starting to program sounds.

I don't know how much experience you have with programing, but tips are nice either way I guess. :)

Make sure you know what sound you want to make, before twisting knobs.

If you have special goal to aim for, you will look it up in the manual, web etc to achieve that goal.


The Virus can be as simple as the KS if you stick to the control surface.

The front panel of the virus covers all basic analog synth parameters. The menudiving

starts when you want to add modulation and movement to the sound for most part.


For starters on the virus:


Choose an init program.


Making a Synth bass.

Pick any waveform, a Saw or Square. Only need 1.


Filter section.

Turn filter balance all the way to the left, this will make Filter 1 the ony filter.

Turn the Cutoff 1 knob all the way down to 0.

Then turn the Mod Env knob to about 70%.


Filter Envelope.

Set decay do about 40%.

Set the sustain for about 30%.


Adjust the Mod Env, Decay and sustain levels to fit your taste.


Try this out for starters, I don't have a virus anylonger so I hope I didn't miss something out.

If this is below your standards, I hope it will be usefull to others. :)

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You can download Howard Scarr's "Programming Analog Synths" guide from
, following the Manuals, tutorials and videos link in the support section. It's exactly what you're looking for.



+1 on the Howard Scarr guide. He also has a soundset for you to load onto your Virus to follow along with the lessons. Some great programs in there.


Sound on Sound magazine did a nice tutorial on the Virus B/C that should still be in their archives. It's a short article but has some good comments on some of the settings particular to Access synths (such as the waveform settings).


By the way, that's a really nice recording.

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I wish the KS Rack wasn't so hard to find. That's one VA I'd trade my SH-201 for. I think it sounds lush.


The Virus - I've only played it at the store and wasn't too impressed especially with the oscillator section, but I guess a whole lot of people can't be wrong and it probably does sound very nice.


There's an "Analog Synthesis Tutorial" at the Alesis site as well, under Alesis Fusion (discontinued products). It's done by Steve Howell of Hollow Sun, and I found it very helpful back when I was starting.

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I wish the KS Rack wasn't so hard to find. That's one VA I'd trade my SH-201 for. I think it sounds lush.



I had both KS5 and Supernova II. And I must say I favored the supernova.

There was something cold and digital about the KS in my opinion. The supernova

is more unique and warm in it's sound, digital but in a good way. I guess it comes down to taste.

I would say you should give the KS another listen. and not to mention, the KS's got a clipping problem. It should be some info about it in the user Review section on HC.


Only trying to help. Rob

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That's interesting.

From the demos, I thought the KS series has a clearer sound - and that the clipping problem was manageable.

Supernovas are going down in price these days, so that would be a great option as well


I think there is a workaround the will reduce the problem. It is a minor problem to be exact. Novation didn't do anything about it.

There are some nice demos on the KS out there, I agree on that. The supernova demos aren't good at all. :p

I aint saying KS is a bad synth though. But the best is to test it and the nova models. Se which gives you the right vibe.

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