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OT: Photo guys, some new shots around Edinburgh


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Do you have PS? If so, try this:

Copy the original image to a new layer.

Set the blending mode to "Overlay" ("soft light" works to but is less pronounced)

Adjust the opacity around 50% (maybe more if you used soft light).

Go to Filter->Other->High Pass and play with the radius.



I was just about to play with some in photoshop, leveling em out and such (gotta love the rotate tool and some cropping). I'll give it a shot and post the results. I'm quite a few beers in because I don't have lectures tomorrow, so wish me luck.

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Don't ask me, it's up to you. I just suggested it as something to try and see if you like. Try combining it with the desaturation, and adjust to taste. Don't be afraid to experiment with large radius and different opacity settings.



Hmm alright, cool. Any other cool tips?

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I was in Holland D Block when I stayed there in 2001-02. It was the last year that Brewster was standing before they demolished it in 2002-03. They were gonna knock down Grant House too but obviously decided against it cos it was still there the last time I was over in that area of the city.


The JMC will always suck! Breakfasts are half decent but given the crap they serve up at dinner, it's a real wonder why students bother running these silly competitions as to who can get more than 8 points worth of "food"(?) through whilst successfully avoiding the dinner-ladies!


It certainly warms the cockles of my heart to know that the canteen is still as {censored}e as it was in my day though! :lol:

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I was in Holland D Block when I stayed there in 2001-02. It was the last year that Brewster was standing before they demolished it in 2002-03. They were gonna knock down Grant House too but obviously decided against it cos it was still there the last time I was over in that area of the city.

The JMC will always suck! Breakfasts are half decent but given the crap they serve up at dinner, it's a real wonder why students bother running these silly competitions as to who can get more than 8 points worth of "food"(?) through whilst successfully avoiding the dinner-ladies!

It certainly warms the cockles of my heart to know that the canteen is still as {censored}e as it was in my day though!


Those contests crack me up. I sit and wonder.. why would you WANT more than 6 points?!


Breakfasts are decent (though the powdered scrambled eggs scare the pants off me) -- the beans and the hashbrowns are good, but the sausage and black pudding make me shudder and tremble in fear.


By the way, was D block antisocial when you were there? I've yet to meet anyone from D block, and they never have parties or anything. We're fairly convinced that they are savages plotting a takeover of the Holland Complex as we know it.


You missed out on the Absorb Cafe in Chancellor's though, that {censored} is good.

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By the way, was D block antisocial when you were there? I've yet to meet anyone from D block, and they never have parties or anything. We're fairly convinced that they are savages plotting a takeover of the Holland Complex as we know it.


It was the most antisocial place I've ever had the misfortune of visiting! I was formally adopted by Grant House when I stayed at Pollock Halls and only ever used my room in Holland House for sleep.........



.....occasionally! :lol:



PS. They only let you have 6 points of {censored} now? Jeez, and we thought they must have worked with a tight budget when we got 8 points!!!

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How is the yah situation in pollock these days? Holland house was the yah magnet due to en suite showers and beds that were normal size, making it the most expensive. I imagine it's been superseded by that new place. I still shudder when thinking of the bed in Brewster - it was only a 3/4 size bed or something. horrible thing.


Do they still have that terrible on site pizza delivery service that make the worst pizzas known to man?


And do people still try and steal those potplants in big communal bit with the bar?

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