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OT.....Just saw the movie The Fountain


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Damn...Arron Arnofsky(previous films Requim for a Dream and Pi) has done it again. Din't think too much of the movie...better than average but just so so. The sountrack however is simple but very haunting/emotional.
I recommend it.:cool:

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I have been waiting for that movie SO bad. It really sucks that it didn't get into theaters in Finland. Well, I have a DVD coming via mail from UK, should be here this week. Can't wait!

I'm a huge of Requiem and Pi, so my expectations are skyhigh ;).

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Yeah, it is a pretty sad movie if you really analyse it. The music makes it very sad but hopeful....just great stuff. For me, seeing Requim(uncut) in an indie moviehouse b4 it was nationwide just blew me away. That was the first time i'd heard that infamous song(can't think of the name) but now its in all major movies lol.
The schreeching strings and buildup just really hit home. I love Clint Mansell work.

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It is how films should be. Imaginitive and thought provoking. Some of it was a little forced, but the whole was fantastic.


Thinking about the movie is like trying to recollect a dream I had. Its that good.

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I didn't like it...felt too forced to me. Not to mention you have to bring a lot to the table as a "viewer". This isn't a Hollywood movie. You have to pay attention and think.

Different strokes for different folks I guess?

I did dig Requiem though.

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Watched this last week, I thought it was pretty cool.

Some of the visuals were amazing. wtf was the bald dude and the tree about? I get that it was int he Nebula going to the dying star..and it was him and the dying tree was her.. but how was it connected ? to the main story line.

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