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Problems with my Orange AD30 - please help

planet shh

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Not actually mine, but a friends.



Had the head for less than a year now.

Taken great care, play it about 2x a week.


Playing at band practice and all of a sudden amps volume cut.

Now it's just really quiet, can't get it loud anymore.


He bought it new and hasn't had it serviced since he bought it.


So I was thinking maybe it was biased too hot and he just blew a tube?


Anyone have any advice to try and diagnose the problem other than just bringing it to a tech?

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Check the usually first:


1. Cables

2. Guitar

3. Speaker

4. Fuses

5. Power amp tubes (are they glowing?) Swap them out

6. Preamp tubes.


Other than that take the amp apart and look for loose connections. Do some basic trouble shooting, the first 3 steps are just confirming that it is the amp and not something else.

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