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Good deal on a VHT 50 CL?


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New poster here, could use some help.


I'm looking at buying a new amp, and would appreciate some input from some of the knowledgeable posters here. I've narrowed my search down to a Engl Fireball, and a VHT CL 50. Any other suggestions would be welcome as well.


Is $1200, including shipping, a good deal on the VHT 50? How does it stack up to the Fireball? I mostly play death/grind/thrash, but I also dig doom and sludge. I need something that has sick, yet tight and focused, distortion. I don't need anything that does clean especially well, and I don't want to have to use any kind of boost/pedal to get the sound I'm after. I'm not in a band, this is just for at home applications or possibly jamming with a friend.



A few of the amps I have owned in the past:


Voodoo Witchdoctor

Marshall JCM 2000 with Voodoo Hex mod

Peavey Triple XXX 40 EFX

Mesa Single Rectifier

Mesa DC-5

Many other amps not worth mentioning...



Most of the amps above were nice, but still missing that little "something".



Any feedback given would be greatly appreciated!

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Ive got a fireball and want a 50cl with eq eventually. I think the vht will cover more territory especially with the eq.. The engl is pretty much straight metal and gain not to many in between tones nice clean also but the shared gain knob sucks. Both will be tight engl being more saturated and the vht being tight and clear... I think both sound great at lower volume.. I'm basing this on the UL i used to own i hear the cl is a little different.. The blackmore will cover more territory than the fireball also you wont have to use a boost with the engl.

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That's a pretty nice price if the amp indeed has the EQ option and is relatively new. I have a pretty new 50/CL, and its got a voicing that would very likely meet your needs.


I use the green channel as clean, and boost the volume using the EQ (the EQ can add a ton of volume). The Red channel is my overdrive, and I think its great without the EQ, so I set my amp so the EQ is only active on the Green channel. With the footswitchable boost, you've got quite a bit of versatility as far as overdrive tones go. And, of course, you can use the EQ to dial in any type of super hardcore metal tones if that's what you're looking for.


The amp also has several power options that also add to its overall versatility. AND, unlike many amps, the 50/CL does sound great at very low volumes!!


Anyway, that's a good price, and you'll probably dig the VHT.

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Thanks for the feedback. I wish there was a store nearby, hell even within 50 miles, that I could go to and try these out. There are some local music shops, but all they carry are the standard fare... Marshall, Mesa, Peavey, etc.


I'd be tempted to throw a Powerball into the mix of amps I'm considering(if the price were right), but it's more than I really need.




I'm basing this on the UL i used to own i hear the cl is a little different...




What is the difference in sound between the CL and the UL?

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From what I hear the CL is more saturated a little more forgiving based on the power tube differences. If you have a chance to play either the engl or vht thats your best bet they have pretty different voicing's but both are tight ..

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I had a 50 CL and it is a great head. CLs have a rhythm and lead channel (the rhythm can also clean up nicely). It has a tons of options that actually let you control the gain stages of the preamp section. The EQ is also a nice addition and construction wise VHTs are superior than many other amps out there ;)

Compared to a UL, well they have similar voicings except the fact that a UL has more headroom due to the KT88 power section, it's a 120 watt head and has a dedicated clean channel.

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From what I hear the CL is more saturated a little more forgiving based on the power tube differences. If you have a chance to play either the engl or vht thats your best bet they have pretty different voicing's but both are tight ..


VHT stuff is hardly saturated at all ! and the Engls are definately saturated - not so much as peaveys. As for forgiving - definately not. With VHTs you need to be spot on with your playing, as it will show every mistake you make. Its partly why some people dont like them.


That said the VHT is more versatile then the Engl - especially with the EQ - takes pedals well if you want some in the future. Its tight, defined and a steel at that price.


No brainer for me.

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