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Little OT: UK forumite...gigged since ciggy ban??

Farmer Geddon

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Just wondering what your experiences have been. Gigged last Friday night (first Friday of the ban) at a regular venue - big pub with bar and lounge.


Normally 70-80 in the lounge where the music is and 30-40 in the bar with pool table etc.


Friday night, bar EMPTY. Lounge had about 20 punters at max.


Landlord worried +++ and not as much fun as usual as you might expect.


Anyone else witnessed the Stalinist repression at first hand?:evil:

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interesting to see that the number of punters has declined that much - I was expecting a small drop in figures but not that bad.

IMO they should allow certain bars to have smoking but maybe charge people an entrance fee or something. I defo agree smoking should be banned where food is served though.

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Just wondering what your experiences have been. Gigged last Friday night (first Friday of the ban) at a regular venue - big pub with bar and lounge.

Normally 70-80 in the lounge where the music is and 30-40 in the bar with pool table etc.

Friday night, bar EMPTY. Lounge had about 20 punters at max.

Landlord worried +++ and not as much fun as usual as you might expect.

Anyone else witnessed the Stalinist repression at first hand?

Does this mean people are just staying at home? If so I'm sure it will only be temporary before people start coming out again. Not noticed it yet but have only done one gig this month so far...will let you know in August when we do the Ruskin Arms again....the smokiest bar in the world....I almost had to burn my clothes after that gig they stunk so much of smoke!!!


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3 pubs within a five mile radius of where i live have closed already since smoking ban kicked in. The landlords all say that this is the final straw in a industry that is already Hard to make a good living in. None of them Venues. However, Those of you that play in metal bands and gig alot are probably aware of the attic in Northamptonshire. i was talking to the landlord there Jon, the other day and he said he was considering giving up his tenancy if it affects his buisness in anyway.

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That's pretty much what happened when the banned it in California too.


Eventually, the only bars that stayed open were the ones with large outdoor areas, and that's usually where the majority of people are.


You'll go through the phases of the clubs stopping booking original acts and they'll book only coverbands, and then they'll go from coverbands to DJ's to try to stay open.


My best advice is to try to play music that appeals to healthier, younger crowds at bigger indoor clubs if you want to keep gigging.



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Numbers haven't dropped much if at all in Scotland and we've had it for a while. The scare stories are just the papers trying to fill space. The worst thing about the smoking ban was that you actually got to smell the pubs/toilets/spew/other peoples BO for a while. Cigarette smoke did a remarkable job of covering all that up. Now most pubs have better ventilation/cleaned themselves up so that isn't a problem in most cases.


Smoking ban gets a big thumbs up from me, and I think smoking's cool :D

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News from Ireland is that the smoking ban has resulted in a significant increase in the sales of booze.

Most people would go out for a couple of pints and half a dozen tabs. Now they are drinking 6 pints instead because they can't smoke in the gaps between bevvies.

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We've had the ban in Wales for a while now and it's made absolutely no difference to the number of people going out to pubs/clubs. Only difference is the people standing outside to smoke and all the smoking shelters and patio heaters. Everyone I've talked to, including smokers, thinks the ban is a good idea and it's great to not come home stinking with a hoarse throat.

Anyone who'd rather sit alone at home smoking than go out and socialise, just to avoid having to nip outside for a fag, is extremely sad.

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I dont smoke, but if its your choice if you want to go to a bar where people are smoking or not. People go to bars to smoke and drink, fact of life. The government shouldnt have any say in that, the BAR owner should be responsible for what they want ie smoking or not smoking because its their bar not the governments.

Ciggy ban, more like freedom ban.

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