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Splawn Owners chime in!! (examination of gears 2 & 3)


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Ok.. so I lean towards Gear 1 cause it seems to naturally cut through a lot easier than gears 2/3.


Am i the only one that thinks/hears that you gotta push your treble/mids/presence more around 12:30- 1'clock/2'oclock range in gears 2/3 in order to get the amp to get the same cutting effect?


to my ears it makes the amp sound not as in your face and distant if you don't adjust EQs.


alls feel free to chime in! =]


I run my QR(el34) in gear 1(treble/mids at noon or slightly less) with the gain a little passed noon and my PM(6550 at Gear 2) (treble/mids atleast at 1 oclock, mids tiny bit less) with the gain at about noon. (double amp setup)


i use more presence(bout 1-2 o clock) with my PM since gears 2/3 are darker and the 6550 tubes. But thats ONLY in gears 2/3 . Gear 1 has a natural brightness on both amps.



Also what do most yall think is the biggest difference in terms of tone Gear 2 vs 3. (ill post my opinion after) =]


both my QR and PM are 2005 models (2nd version?) . And this Is not a complaint thread, cause i love all the gears, but it does take adjustments imo to get it to not sound all dark/blanket effect in 2nd and 3rd gear.

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I play in 2nd gear with the treble and mids just above noon. My bass and pres are around 11:00, with the gain just under noon. I may be an odd ball but I actually like darker sounding amps...as long as they are'nt mushy, and the QR's are definately not mushy


I really like 1st gear with the gain around 1:00, and of course as you noted, I have to back down the treble...I love it for funky bluesy stuff using the neck pickup:love:


As far as 3rd gear, I never really got a desirable sound out of it so I never spent too much time searching. Maybe it's because I found the tones I liked right away in 1st and 2nd gears, or maybe because I sold my Mark IV for the Splawn and the fact that Mark IV was a tweakers nightmare - I was relieved to just plug and play I guess:freak:

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To me, Gear 3 sounds more compressed than Gear 2. Gear 3 has more gain and high end but Gear 2 has more low end.


I run mainly with Gear 3 and sometimes Gear 2, but mainly b/c I need the extra saturation to hide my crappy playing and to make it easier to play, haha. I bought my Quickrod for more high gain applications.


I do feel like Gear 1 and 3 have similar types of voicings, just with Gear 3 having much more gain and a bit more compression. Gear 2 always stood out as sounding a bit different. It sound almost "muddier" than the other gears, but that's not a good word to describe it b/c it's not a muddy amp by any means. Perhaps I've just dialed my amp for use in Gear 3 and just switch down to Gear 2 from time to time.

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i liked the voicing on 1st the gear the most.


also agree with Shreadhead, seemed like 3rd was a little brighter than 2nd, and that 2nd stood apart more from 1st and 3rd.



towards the end of selling mine, i was running 2nd a lot with some kind of pedal and brightening/ crunching it up some. but don't remember what the hell i was using anymore?




mine seemed pretty finicky about dirt pedals for some reason? it didn't like my tube screamer, but it got along with the MXR d+, haven't found any other amp that likes the d+.

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Everybody loves 1st gear. But 2nd and 3rd gears have a lot of great tones as well. Just remember that you don't have to crank the gain!


2nd gear is darker and has more low mids. With the gain turned down, I think it does 'vintage' tones better than 1st gear in some respects (due to the low mid thing).


3rd gear/OD 1 sounds like a hot-rodded 1st gear to me. But again, if you turn the gain way down it'll yield some nice tones at similar gain levels to 1st gear.


I use all the gears, depending on what guitar/pups I'm using...Duncan Distortion, PAF, low output singles, etc. I think there's great tones in all the gears. It's unfortunate that they all share the same eq/gain knob though. You'll definitely have to tweak from gear to gear. It would be nice to have the 3 gears be independent channels.

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thanks for the great responses guys. I gotta say I totally hear what you hear myxolidian.


Infact.. i think i keep the gain slightly below noon on gear 2. My pick up is a Suhr Aldrich and its a HOT one.


I used to have to play in Gear 2 with the gain at like 3oclock and on Od2. Now i find the splawn has more gain than i need even on Gear 1 / od 1 gain @ 1oclock. Its pretty crazy, and id like to think its that ive become a better/tighter player who isnt affraid of how the splawn brings out mistakes (cause i dont mess up much anymore)


Splawn amps have made me realize how much the players hands come into play. I have high gain hands without even needing the gain high up on the amp!! ;)

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I find myself using 3rd gear less and less...and 2nd gear more. (I used to be all about 1st gear.)


I would say a lot depends on your speakers and the rest of your signal chain. If I'm playing through my Greenback loaded cab, I run 2nd gear with the gain around noon...bass at 1:00, mids at noon, treble around 11:30 or so. With the Greenies, I usually put the presence around 9:30 to smoothen things out a bit. If I run my G12H30 loaded cab (actually Hellatone30's), I'll actually bump up the gain a bit...to around 2~3 o'clock.


To me, 3rd gear is more "up front" sounding than the other gears...like a superimposed 1st and 2nd gear.


I tend to like lower "ish" output pickups, too. Yesterday, I was using a high output pickup through the rig and didn't care for it at all...if I want to push the front of the amp more, I'll hit it with a clean boost instead.

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Everybody loves 1st gear. But 2nd and 3rd gears have a lot of great tones as well. Just remember that you don't have to crank the gain!

2nd gear is darker and has more low mids. With the gain turned down, I think it does 'vintage' tones better than 1st gear in some respects (due to the low mid thing).

3rd gear/OD 1 sounds like a hot-rodded 1st gear to me. But again, if you turn the gain way down it'll yield some nice tones at similar gain levels to 1st gear.

I use all the gears, depending on what guitar/pups I'm using...Duncan Distortion, PAF, low output singles, etc. I think there's great tones in all the gears. It's unfortunate that they all share the same eq/gain knob though. You'll definitely have to tweak from gear to gear. It would be nice to have the 3 gears be independent channels.



yep....that's how I explain it when people ask me...to me, third gear is like first gear on steroids....


second gear is definetly the saggiest of the three, not that it's mushy..but it's a little looser than first or third....

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i clean boost mine with my maxon OD808 on gear 3 od1 with gain at 10 o'clock and it sounds really damn good. i have to turn up some bass though, as my OD has a bit of a bass cut ... but i love the growl of the 3rd gear and i just LOVE the mids on this amp. coming from my cobra to this, is like wow. my cobras mids, even all the way up, never really came through much. but my quickrod is a whole different story, OH and i also used my EQ in the loop for the first time and jeesh!

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I use 2nd gear for bed room levels and and for louder venues 1st



indeed...second and third tend to thicken things up if you're not using anythign in the loop to tame the volume for mousefart volumes....


I use first gear OD2 for live use..with soem volume it {censored}in' rips...

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