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O/T: South Bay Area Thrash/Melodic/Death-ish/Metal (5150, Mesa, Framus Content)


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So my band just recorded a recent song and are stoaked with the way it came out. All our past recordings were terrible and {censored} quality. We are considering doing our EP with this guy so let me know what you guys think of this mix/quality and even an honest opinion of the music material. We are trying to do something somewhat different and I wanna see what people think of it.




Ibanez RGT320 (EMG 85) ~~> Tripple Recto ~~~> Mesa Oversized Cab SM57 ~~> + Schecter (JB/59) ~~> 6505 ~~> 6505 Cab ~~> SM57 = left channel



Ibanez RGT320 (EMG85) ~~> Framus Cobra~~~> Mesa Oversized Cab~~> SM57 = right channel.

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It sounds pretty damn good but the vocals seem a bit too loud (at least through my speakers). They drown out the guitars in a few places.



Is it the gutteral parts? I can kinda hear that in those parts. Our singer did like 8 overdubs, so that might be it also.

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Is it the gutteral parts? I can kinda hear that in those parts. Our singer did like 8 overdubs, so that might be it also.



Yea, it's moreso in those parts but I can hear it in a few other places. I could tell he did a looot of vocal tracks.

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the drummer could be a bit more creative and add some more fills in the breakdowns. the drumming just seemed kind of bland to me, busy but not busy in the right ways. the guitar parts sound good, can't really hear it that well it seems to be kind of muffled out in the background. may be my {censored}ty laptop speakers or the vocals being too dominating. i'm sure it would sound a helluva lot better live.

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Yea, it's moreso in those parts but I can hear it in a few other places. I could tell he did a looot of vocal tracks.


Haha yeaaaaa. Good thing is that it made this recording sound AMAZING (imho). Bad thing is that people are going to be very let down when they see us live :cry:......



Maybe we'll play his overdubs via the PA :idea::p

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the drummer could be a bit more creative and add some more fills in the breakdowns. the drumming just seemed kind of bland to me, busy but not busy in the right ways. the guitar parts sound good, can't really hear it that well it seems to be kind of muffled out in the background. may be my {censored}ty laptop speakers or the vocals being too dominating. i'm sure it would sound a helluva lot better live.




I would say at the moment our drummer is least confident with his creativity of his fills. He was working on his blasts for the longest time and now that he has a better grasp on those the next mile-stone is gonna have to be his fills.


Maybe try listening to the song via headphones? I personally think the guitars sound pretty clear with the right amount of saturation, maybe a little drowned out I'll agree but I dont hear muffled. Maybe I've just heard this too many times lol.


Thanks for the feedback btw.

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Wow, those lyrics sound important. :bor: Remove the WTC picture from your "sounds like" section.


Singer can't really do low growls well.


Blasts sounded way off, literally like one hand fell asleep after two seconds each time. One of the worst professional quality recorded blasts I have heard maybe ever. The double bass roll part is probably fake considering those chops are totally absent from the rest of the song.


And you are making metalcore, its not Thrash, you do not sound like Municipal Waste.


For a band that wants to do something somewhat different, the song I listened to had a drum beat identical and riffing style identical to The Absence, who sound like The Black Dahlia Murder, and so on.

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I would say at the moment our drummer is least confident with his creativity of his fills. He was working on his blasts for the longest time and now that he has a better grasp on those the next mile-stone is gonna have to be his fills.

Maybe try listening to the song via headphones? I personally think the guitars sound pretty clear with the right amount of saturation, maybe a little drowned out I'll agree but I dont hear muffled. Maybe I've just heard this too many times lol.

Thanks for the feedback btw.



maybe have your drummer listen to some chiodos. i love their drummer, he's busy and busy at the right times and knows when to tone it down. i'm not sure what type of music your drummer listens to in his free time but listening to other stuff might really spark his creativity and voila, better fills:cool:


maybe i'll listen to it with headphones tomorrow, i just finished my accounting hw so i'm going to bed now.

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Wow, those lyrics sound important.
Remove the WTC picture from your "sounds like" section.

Singer can't really do low growls well.

Blasts sounded way off, literally like one hand fell asleep after two seconds each time. One of the worst professional quality recorded blasts I have heard maybe ever. The double bass roll part is probably fake considering those chops are totally absent from the rest of the song.

And you are making metalcore, its not Thrash, you do not sound like Municipal Waste.

For a band that wants to do something somewhat different, the song I listened to had a drum beat identical and riffing style identical to The Absence, who sound like The Black Dahlia Murder, and so on.


I can respect your honest, and seemingly irritated :confused:, opinion about the music. I guess were more modern thrash than old school thrash. However, do you even understand what the lyrics are about?

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I can respect your honest, and seemingly irritated
, opinion about the music. I guess were more modern thrash than old school thrash. However, do you even
what the lyrics are about?


Me and many of my friend have agreed that lyric content is one of the last things I/we care about in music. None of us know the lyrics to our favorite songs. So I can pretty much say I don't care what the lyrics are about in anything, I'm sure I could understand the lyrics if I read them, but I never will.


As for the producer, it doesn't sound like he has ever recorded a blast or a band like yours before actually. The kicks should be triggered to avoid unwanted volume "dynamics". And it doesn't sound like it was played to a click.


Oh and, the bass guitar sounds almost completely removed from the mix, I think it would sound much better if it were put back in.

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Me and many of my friend have agreed that lyric content is one of the last things I/we care about in music. None of us know the lyrics to our favorite songs. So I can pretty much say I don't care what the lyrics are about in anything, I'm sure I could understand the lyrics if I read them, but I never will.

As for the producer, it doesn't sound like he has ever recorded a blast or a band like yours before actually. The kicks should be triggered to avoid unwanted volume "dynamics". And it doesn't sound like it was played to a click.

Oh and, the bass guitar sounds almost completely removed from the mix, I think it would sound much better if it were put back in.



Knowing your view on lyrics/meaning of the song makes me question why you even made that comment in the first place. Oh well.


The guy has recorded a couple (2-3?) metal bands before us. Though at this point he is still growing as a producer and is getting much better at it (you should have heard his prior recordings). He's still working on perfecting his methods. He gave us a free recording to help promote our band and his (fairly new) studio. I think he did an amazing job though, by far the best quality he has done so far. I think he's only been doing it a few months since he graduated.


The kicks were triggered, however your right, it wasent played to a click.


Perhaps the bass does need to go up a little bit. The same guy said it was hard leveling out the bass parts because our bassist had two tracks, one clean bass doing the lows, and a second distorted bass doing somewhat of a lead. I agree though, the bass is only noticable to me because I'm used to what it sounds like.


This was our first experience recording in a legit studio enviornment so we, as a band, are still learning how to approach such things, and what to not do.

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Knowing your view on lyrics/meaning of the song makes me question why you even made that comment in the first place. Oh well.


Oh, I will be more than happy to tell you. :) Spoken word lyrics presented in an angry/fed up way almost always come off as elitist. This is a bad thing, especially if its early in a bands career and they have to be accepted on some level.


If the kicks were triggered, than there must be something that made them sound quieter during the bass roll, the sound of the kick is far too important to be buried in the mix at any time.

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Oh, I will be more than happy to tell you.
Spoken word lyrics presented in an angry/fed up way almost always come off as elitist. This is a bad thing, especially if its early in a bands career and they have to be accepted on some level.


Sorry you feel that way. You shouldnt assume/judge people and their lyrics by the way they are presented especially knowing you wont even read the lyrics to try and understand what they are dealing with. I can tell we obviously just have different opinions about music and whats important etc. Maybe just try to be more open towards things instead of automatically assuming. I dunno.

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