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Uberschall Videos!..I finally figured out how to get them posted.


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alright guys, dont expect any "shock and awe" playing here...but i did finally get my videos up on tinypic. I had to use Media Encoder to convert them before they would post with sound, but they're done.


Signal Chain is:


Zakk Wylde Bullseye Gibson Custom Shop --> Uberschall Rev. 2 --> Uberschall 4x12


The Dual Rec atop the Uber is on, but not in the signal chain. Neither of the Mesa cabs are in the signal chain...just pure Bogner goodness for these clips.


Uber Rev 2 - Various Distortion Tones:

View My Video


Uber Rev 2 - Sunshine of Your Love

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These are only meant to give people a sense for what the distortion tones sound like, and how flexible the uber can be within the realm of high gain.


let me know what you think of the sound overall. ive listened to these so many times, its hard to tell how much of the uber sound really comes through. i think its just about impossible to capture any amps live sound, especially with just the mic built into the digital camera i was using.



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thanks for the kind words, man. i do think the emg's make a huge difference in the note attack. before i had my uber, i bought the zakk LP and couldnt believe how much it brought my dual rec to life (on distortions, especially). now, there is a trade off however. if i want pretty, full clean tones i do have to switch to the neck pickup. the bridge pickup is just to midrangey for my tastes.





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Holy {censored}!:eek:


I didn't realize these amps were so versatile. LOTS of good tones in there. Damn near nailed the justice tone, just a little too much sizzle but the eq was there. Kinda wish they would've made the bogner look as agressive as it sounds.

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thanks for the kind words, fellas.


i think there are a few things that keep the bass down a bit on my uber.

- i dont really crank the bass that much.

- the emg 81 in the bridge really doesnt have a ton of low end. the 85 in the neck, however, makes tons of low end.

- i play in standard tuning...the uber really gets a massive low end when i detune



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clean volume = 3:00

distortion volume = 10:30 - 11:00

master volume = 9:00-9:30


its probably "loud TV" volume at these settings. i didnt run it too loud, as i was using the mic of a digital camera to pick it up. as you turn up the uber the mids and lower mids seem to creep up and fill in the sound with more growl...its a really great amp when you get it turned up.



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