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SOT - Suffocation is the best live metal act out, period


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I saw them with Immolation and Skinless last night. They {censored}ing killed. They played a bunch of old songs off effigy of the forgotten, and played some new stuff too.


EVERY MEMBER of that band could be the "best" member in nearly all other metal acts. I was especially blown away by Mike Smith, he is a heavy hitter and much more creative than most DM drummers. He's always on his toms, and his blasts are tight and powerful.


I'm not sure how their guitarists get away with using so much bass - when I heard their sound check I was thinking "they're going to sound like mud", but it fit perfectly into their live sound once they started.


I took my girl with, it was her first metal concert, and she loved it. She said she found what she was looking for from the "rave" scene in suffocation.



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I took my girl with, it was her first metal concert, and she loved it. She said she found what she was looking for from the "rave" scene in suffocation.




Bwahahaha, thats funny.


I went out with this one girl she was cool as {censored}. We were talkin about some bands best album and she was like "Yeah, it's their black album, I guess." I was like wuuuut:love:

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" Suffocation is the best live metal act out, period."

True story.

They were also about 15 years ahead of their time....they are finally getting the props they deserve. The first time I saw them live ('92) i literally stood there in AWE.

Here's a write-up I did on a show they did a while back:


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what gear were they using??



I know they use PV XXX's as amps.. Maybe thats changed but I dont think so..


I have been a fan of Suffo-nuts for as long as I remember.. And Breeding the Spawn is one of the best albums ever. I know the recording sucked, but that album {censored}ing rules. And they never play any of it, except maybe Breeding the SPawn.. I even talked to Frank about it in 95, and he said "no one likes it, recording is {censored}".... I said "Man every one I know {censored}ing thinks it rules, {censored} how bad it sounded, the bad recording made it all the more dirtier.. And then I preceded to smoke up with Terrance and Doug as they got busted earlier on the tour and lost their weed.. I saw terrance walking thru the crowd and he asks if we got any weed, we say yeah, and go smoke them up.. It was great!

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what gear were they using??



they didn't have their heads visible on stage, but they were playing Vader full stacks for guitar, custom cabs for bass, ddrum drums. guitars were the usual BC Riches that you always see them with.

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