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Looking for a budget mic for recording band practice


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Are you wanting to record the whole band practice live with one microphone?

If so, a 57 probably wouldnt be that great, much better for close micing guitar cabs and drums, maybe some vocals.

To record the whole band at once...a decent condensor mic might be a better choice. Just find the best sounding place in the room and put the mic there.

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Yeah a 57 for a room mic to pick up an entire band is completely NOT the mic you want for the job.. As mentioned a condenser is much better suited for a room mic.. A dynamic(IE Shure 57 etc.etc) would get you no where fast in that situation.. For a nice quality cheap mic I would go with an Oktava MK319 or 219.. MXL makes some decent cheap condensers. IN fact maybe if you got a few extra bucks you can go with a RODE..

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Yeah a 57 for a room mic to pick up an entire band is completely NOT the mic you want for the job.. As mentioned a condenser is much better suited for a room mic.. A dynamic(IE Shure 57 etc.etc) would get you no where fast in that situation.. For a nice quality cheap mic I would go with an Oktava MK319 or 219.. MXL makes some decent cheap condensers. IN fact maybe if you got a few extra bucks you can go with a RODE..



pretty much. an sm57 is pretty darn directional. i made the mistake of trying to use one to record room sounds for drums and it sounded like {censored}. go with a condenser or even a ribbon mic, though those get spendy

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