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"Ultimate Tube Amp" thoughts


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I've been reading up on this amp and wanted to see if anyone had any experience of it or just an opinion!




Opinion seems very mixed about this company and the product, but looking at this amp it seems to solve a lot of issues I have with my current setup.


I'm in the UK and don't even know whether I can get one over here but it looks very interesting. The hype seems a bit OTT but the idea behind the amp really looks good and there has been one very favourable (and recent) review:



Any thoughts would be great! :)



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Don't know much about the tone, but it sounds like it's basically your typical tube amp => attenuator => slave amp, but in one box. If you must have that setup, it's nice to carry only one piece of gear, but it's no the end of the world having separate amp/attenuator/slave either. That, and unless you're seriously overdriving the stuffings out of your power section, you really just need amp + attenuator.


Just my speculation...



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