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G12T100 Reviews?


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I have a 2x12 with them. I've got the cab wired stereo (for the benefit of my power amp, mostly) and they each get 100W and are 4 ohm versions. They're basically G12T-75's with more/enhanced bass. They scream metal.


Overall, I'd say I'm pretty satisfied and not in a hurry to replace them. I like a lot of high end, so I have no issue with the highs and the 75 has a lot of high-end which is why I was interested in the 100s... with my power amp's presence control and my preamp's flexibility I can do whatever I want with them and don't have problems avoiding harshness.


Someday, I may pair one with another speaker for some added depth/flexibility. A V30 might go nice with it as others have noted.


If a G12T-75 with more thump and a higher power rating sounds like a good idea to you, then you'll probably love them. The G12T-75 is a love it or hate it affair (and more easily available to demo), so you probably know the answer to that one already. :thu:

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