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As my waltz grows more famous - my bank account shrinks.

Etienne Rambert

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As my fame grows - my bank account shrinks


I just stumbled across a French website where myself and my orchestral waltz, "The Fantomas Waltz" are both listed with music written by other composers for movies about Fantomas, the Genius of Crime & Lord of Terror.



It's kind of cool. They list my stageplays there also.



The composers are all more accomplished & famous than I.

But alas, the greatest of all of us, Kurt Weill, who composed the music for Robert Desnos' "Complaint of Fantomas", is not listed. Desnos poem was never made into a film.


I am honored to be included among such people.


This comes on the heels of my mention this summer in the Hollywood Screenwriters Organization magazine, "Written By". http://www.wga.org/whatsnew_index.html

(click on Unproduced Screenplays, "F" 7-2-03)


But alas, no money is rolling in yet.

Nor shall it for the foreseeable future.


But just wait! 2011 is the 100th Anniversary of the first Fantomas Novel!


2012 is the 100th Anniversary of La Socite' des amis de Fantomas', a secret society of artists and writers. (Don't even think about applying!) Founder: Guillame Appolinaire; Past members: James Joyce, Pablo Neruda, Jean Cocteau, Rene' Magritte, et al.


2014 is the 100th Anniversary of Feuilliade's silent film, masterpiece, "Fantomas".


My waltz IS Fantomas.

It is not bragging. It owes nothing to me.

I simply wrote & performed it.


And one day, it shall be heard all over the planet, in ballrooms from Beijing to Buenos Aires!


But will I ever make any money from it?


P.S. I composed this baby with a K-1 and a DB50XG daughterboard using Digital Orchestrator Pro!


The full glory of the K-1 string pad on my waltz can be heard at


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