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ot: britney spears' little sister got knocked up


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I am the "dick smoke"?
Hey, you are the guys chitter-chattering about the latest scandals, like a bunch of 13 year old girls desperately trying to look sophisticated.

See your hairdresser if you want more news...

And FYI you are posting in an amp forum - which, yes, happens to be totally male dominated
Testosterone FTW!

And you even have a "moral" atitude to boot. I guess you are one of those people that don't have sex before marriage, right?

Or is it that only males can have sex before marriage and be generally promiscuous?

Are you arab?

Then again, double standards fortunately only apply to others, right?

Now, take your sad ovaries to a girlie-man forum where you can whine loudly.

Please relax. No one asked you to come in to this thread. If you insist on bickering with people here you simply can't come back. :)

As for the the rest of you guys, she's 16, so while "I'd hit it" is almost always funny, it is a l'il inappropriate in this case, no?

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