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Tube choice?


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Its time for me to get some fresh tubes for my SilverFaced Twin and a few oldies from Traynor....


currently my freshest tubes are all Electro Harmonix which are kinda the cheapies... I want something better. After I bought an amp that had a pair of vintage Philips flat plate 12AX7's(long plates) I decided that tube quality can make as much difference as what speaker you have. Seriously they are amazing but my twin needs 6 preamp tubes and I'm saving the philips for recording...the bloody things listed for $180 a piece (NOS) in the vintage guitar mag that was lying around at my drummers place. The EH 12AX7's cost thirteen bucks (in Canada here). I'm not looking to drop a wad on New Old Stock tubes only to fall in love,go broke and never find em again. I want something thats still in production and reasonably priced (up to $30 per 12AX7 maybe).

I'm playing three chord oldschool punk type stuff with some rockabilly riffs thrown in through a twin with a DS1. I could care less about technical playing . I just want some kick ass tone!

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Take a look at the KCAnostubes preamp recommendations:




I am fortunate in that I got some nos tubes from work, they do make a difference: In my DRRI right now I am running:

V1 and V2: Mullard cv4004

V3 and V6: Mullard cv4024

V4: RCA 12ax7a

V5 stock GT Sovtex 12ax7a.

V7 & 8: JAN Phillips 6v6GT.


The cv4004s made a tremendous difference in channel 1 and 2 over the stock tubes. And the cv4024 reverb driver really smoothed out the reverb.

I am not sure how much you have to worry about "saving" the NOS pre-amp tubes only for recording, I think those NOS tubes can last for years, much longer than the currently manufactured tubes.

The Mullard made a tremendous difference in channel 1

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Take a look at the KCAnostubes preamp recommendations:

I am fortunate in that I got some nos tubes from work, they do make a difference: In my DRRI right now I am running:

V1 and V2: Mullard cv4004

V3 and V6: Mullard cv4024

V4: RCA 12ax7a

V5 stock GT Sovtex 12ax7a.

V7 & 8: JAN Phillips 6v6GT.

The cv4004s made a tremendous difference in channel 1 and 2 over the stock tubes. And the cv4024 reverb driver really smoothed out the reverb.

I am not sure how much you have to worry about "saving" the NOS pre-amp tubes only for recording, I think those NOS tubes can last for years, much longer than the currently manufactured tubes.

The Mullard made a tremendous difference in channel 1



The thing is that they weren't NOS when I got them. They were already in the amp but I don't know for how long so I don't know how much life they have left. I know the oldies but goodies last way longer then current stuff but you should see the pile of Microphonic Telefunkens that I have....a couple fist fulls at least....they would be worth a fortune NOS. Thanks for the input!

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