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Ideas for people who want their song listened to!


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Many people (myself included) have used this board to have other unbiased people (well, not biased towards you anway...) listen to your song and give honest feedback. It also seems that the people who post their songs don't bother to listen to other peoples songs that are posted. I've tried in the last week (since I've posted my band's stuff) to listen to a good portion of the other music that's up right now. I haven't gotten to it all but I'm working on it. Maybe if the other people who posted music would listen and give a response, more people would be willing to do the same?

It's a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" kind of thing.

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You're right, but honestly, I don't have the time or patience to try to listen to everything posted here. I do think though, that if everyone tried to listen to some of the songs every now and then, that would help out. I do try to do that myself, although I could be better about it.

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Along with mp3 downloads, I even offered up my CD's for free... and didn't get a single response. I think the write-a-review-before-you-get-a-review idea is pretty good, but I don't know how anyone could enforce a rule like that. TaoManna Don, what forum has that rule? Is it just an honor system?


For that matter, I'm not sure the "Songwriting" thread is the best place for finished work.

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