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Matching Line6 products


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Hey there!


The guitarist of my band currently plays an 'Line6 spider II head' with the "412 spider cab"


He is thinking of bying the 'spider valve head'





Now to the question:

What do you guys think about matching the 'Line6 SV head' with the 'spider cab'? The 'SV head' is recommended to be used along with the 'line6 412vs' cab.


what i'd like to know is if the ohm's and Watts will get all messed up due to this combination!?!?!



/greetz from sweden

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He is not dead set on having everything match!

But in short terms; will this combination work well? Or is the SV head together with the spider cab a bad combination!?

What will he lose, in terms of volume, sound, versatility?

I hope you guys see my point here! And darn those were fast replies

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Just have him pick up a different cab locally or something.

Lots of cabs have V30s and the SV head can match any cab 100watt or higher.

I like the sound of my SV through my Marshall 1960 better than the SV Cab. Though thats a matter of taste.

And he CAN physically use that cab yes. But it won't sound anywhere near as good as it would through a better cab. Which kind of defeats the point of upgrading doesn't it?

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