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Giving up on MySpace

Hugo H

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sounds like a good title. Anyway, I'm not going to bother to try listening to songs posted for review from MySpace anymore. Not that my critiques are in demand or anything, but I just thought I'd announce my decision. The odds of hearing anything out of there seem to vary with the phase of the moon and the flip of a coin.


So my apologies to any who feel that's the place to be. I just don't need more frustration in my life. And since I'm not the only one who has this problem, you may want to consider using an additional site. Exposure elsewhere can't hurt, you know.

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hey toxic, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just not gonna even TRY to listen to MySpace stuff anymore.


Like I said, folks should consider using more than one site anyway! Why limit the audience?


(thanks, man :thu: )

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Anyone putting their music on MySpace should give the SUBMISSION AGREEMENT a VERY THOROUGH reading -- with an eye to what rights you're giving away and for how long.


Last time I read it, you were giving away just about the farm and giving it away forever...



Words to the wise...

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Originally posted by blue2blue

Anyone putting their music on MySpace should give the SUBMISSION AGREEMENT a VERY THOROUGH reading -- with an eye to what rights you're giving away and for how long.

Last time I read it, you were giving away just about the farm and giving it away forever...

Words to the wise...




I don't know where/when you read that. However here's what the Myspace.com "terms" document says about the issue:



Posted at Myspcace.com

By posting any Content to the public areas of the Website, you hereby grant to MySpace.com the non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, and translate such Content on the Website.
This license will terminate at the time you remove such Content from the Website.
You represent and warrant that: (i) you own the Content posted by you on the Website or otherwise have the right to grant the license set forth in this section, and (ii) your Content does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyright rights, intellectual property rights, or any other rights of any person, and (iii) the posting of your Content on the Website does not result in a breach of any contract between you and a third party. You agree to pay for all royalties, fees and any other monies owing any person by reason of any Content you post on the Website.



Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.



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necro's reply made me check soundclick's. it's basically the same, except that you have to notify them that you want out. but nothing's forever; thank god. here's a link to the page, if you want to check it out for soundclick users:




and here's a link to my two songs i put on soundclick for your opinions (yes, i'm a filthy, opportunistic attention-whore. so what!?):




BTW, i appreciate blue2blue's originally opening my eyes to the agreements, despite being a little misinformed.

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Originally posted by Hugo H

sounds like a good title. Anyway, I'm not going to bother to try listening to songs posted for review from MySpace anymore.



Sh!t. I'm just going to have to tell myself to play my songs six times faster.




I fortunately did just set up a soundclick site. I will use that next time I have time to record again.

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