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Tube question


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I don't really have anything specific in mind. I generally only use rock or blues type tones if that helps at all (ie. no metal, or country, or jazz). I don't even really remember what EL34's in my amp sound like. Does the tone of a specific type of tube really vary greatly from brand to brand?

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i've really enjoyed the flying c svetlanas (not standard svets), nice midrange, great breakup, but sorta soft in the bottom. insofar as 'traditional' 34's are concerned, those were my faves, outside of NOS..


for another taste-- i really like the EH 6ca7-- it's glassier and harder than a 'real' 34, but it's got more bass, and top end clarity. good fer bite-- it's basically like a 6l6 with juicier mids, to my ears! great for thunderous lows..

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