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tonight's club jam report (with some really crappy gear)


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so I was invited to jam with a friend's band tonight at a club near my house.. they're basically a classic rock cover band so I figured they wouldn't be playing anything i couldn't jam along with.


Anyway, the singer (my friend) told me to just bring my gear guitar and they would have an amp and an OD pedal there set up for me. Fine, i did not feel like moving my monster rig out of the house just for a jam so that works.

Since it would be my first time at that club, and I did not know what kind of crowd goes there, I did not want to bring something expensive so I just brought my import Hamer Sunburst. It has SD pickups, so I figured i would be fine.


well... I get there and the "gear"they have for me is a solid state Peavey Pacer amp, probably from the late 70's and an Ibanez TS7 tube screamer (one of those tone-lock pedals). I immediately panicked when I saw that.

The band's "official" guitar player is playing a Gibson LP through some boutique pedals and a Fender silver face 2x10 combo (tremolux probably) and he was getting really great tone from it (older guy very seasoned and expereinced palyer) so I though it would be just a massacre, to plug into that crappy gear and trade licks with him.


Much to my surprise, I plug into that {censored}ty rig and I was able to get a really good, smooth lead tone in no time with the TS7 and the cleans on the peavey sounded good enough also (the amp was at a very low volume and mic'd up to the front). Long story short, I had a great jam, and not for a minute a felt any deficiency on my tone compared to the other guitar player's or even compared to what I usually play through. I


'm sure that if I listened closely to the amp I'd hear a lot of frequencies I don't like etc.. but it sounded pretty darn good in the mix and after the first break I even got some compliments on my tone and I was like "dude I am playing through the {censored}tiest rig ever!!"


That was an eye-opening experience for me because I sounded pretty much like I always do even though I didn't have any of my main gear there.. so I guess there is a lot of truth to the "tone is in the fingers" thing :)

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All this amp whoring going on here for "the tonez" and all you need to do is just play what they give ya?:eek: Way to do your thing mang. :thu:


Another example of where hard work and playing ability does make the amps tone what it could be...Toneful!

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All this amp whoring going on here for "the tonez" and all you need to do is just play what they give ya?
Way to do your thing mang.

Another example of where hard work and playing ability does make the amps tone what it could be...Toneful!


I'm an amp whore myself.. I currently own 7 amps and my main rig is a 2-amp set up (mark III/twin). I'm not saying by any means that the tones last night were as good as I'd get with my main rig but it definitely sounded much better than I expected. I had a good time + the audience enjoyed = win :)

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lol.. yeah I figured this thread wouldn't go over well here.. here is more like:


"hey I played my $3k Bogner in my bedroom tonight and it sounded good but I still feel something is missing so I am getting rid of it... what's next, a Diezel or a VHT???" :facepalm::lol:

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