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Walking the dogg


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I think the drums clearly work a lot better here than on "Blue Skies." The part fits a lot better... but I can't help but feel it would fit even better with a different virtual drum set. Since the dynamics don't seem to vary much, those snare accents feel sort of forced and even awkward at times. I think if the part had more dynamic variation, with the snare changing in volume -- and timber if possible -- it would feel more natural and slip into the background, more, letting the guitar and bass have the foreground, as they should, here.


I don't know if it's a hardware drum machine (or drum section in a MIDI module) but a lot of the MIDI drum devices of the last 15 years have offered at least some sounds that were multi-layered, meaning that variations in part dynamics would trigger varying mix of the layered samples. Depending on your drum device, you might find that it can deliver a little more finesse than you're getting out of it.



Anyway -- once again -- some good instrumental work. :)

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I agree, the drum machine I was using just did not deliver the best solution but it was the only solution at the time and these first tracks are all my first time doing home recording and playing all the instruments. Now I am using an app called Hydrogen to generate my drum lines, much better dynamics and I can get more specific on each individual piece's sound and tone etc.


I am going to regenerate all my tracks with new drum lines in the future, just not enough time in the days.... Thanks for the input.




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First time, hunh?


Then I'd say you're doing mighty fine. Just go ahead on... all this will sort itself out in time... It takes a while to get the hang of the home recording thing, even if you know your way around live sound. And working with drums is not something that seems to come natural for a lot of guitarists...


I remember when I got my first drum machine (way back, almost 20 years before the turn of the century). I'd really barely thought about what drums were supposed to do. And some of the presets were nutty... I think they had wanted to show you, that even with the (extreme) limitations of the unit, you could program some tricky beats... pure hubris on their part... the beats it came with sounded awful, overcooked, overbusy... anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Coffee...


Anyhow, I'll be looking forward to your next recordings. Just keep pushing forward and assume that you're going to be doing a lot of learning and progressing, particularly at first. So, it's my thinking that you should try to keep progressing fairly forthrightly from project to project now while you're still in the learning stages for home recording -- there'll be plenty of time for polishing and perfecting individual tracks later.

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I appreciate your comments very much. I have been making music for years but since I started recording early this year it has been a learning experience to say the least. With a long road ahead I hope.




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