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on the edge of blowing out the song


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Here is a new track that I recorded in my home recording setup that contains what I like to call "on the edge of falling apart" slide guitar and lead guitars that was a blast to lay down for recording.


Oh Me Oh Myo



I figure not to many will like this but hey, I wrote it for me so if you hate it thats fine.


McStrum ;)

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Well... I'm a big fan of slow blues -- and I'm always on the edge of out of control, myself -- so this is up my alley.


My primary concern here is that the guitars all occupy the same basic tonal/timbral real estate -- as WELL as trying to occupy more or less the same general location in the pyschoacoustic soundscape... they're all more or less in the same area in the left-to-right field and they seem to have more or less the same place in the front-to-back field, as well.


And that means they're fighting each other for beathing room. A quick fix would be to pan them to different parts of the stereoscape... and/or maybe use volume, tone, and reflective effects (echo, reverb) to place one toward "the back" (if you're judicious, you can even use a tiny bit of delay on the whole signal of the instrument you want to "move back" -- actually, if you're working in a DAW, you could just slide the track "back" by a given number of milliseconds -- sound travels about 11 feet in 10 ms.) But I think I'd start with stereo panning and see what happens from there...

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