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On discouragement...


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Hey, just heard (the tail end of) a short piece on NPR, an interview with a conservatory trained guitarist and teacher, Glenn Kurtz, who, as a youth had played with Dizzy Gillespie and performed on Merv Griffin who, plagued by his own feelings of inadequacy, walked away from the guitar and music for years -- but eventually found himself drawn back to it with a renewed view of music and himself. (Warning: he's got a book. ;) )


Check out the radio interview if you're interested:




(You'll see a "listen" link and there's also an excerpt from the book.)

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Hey, just heard (the tail end of) a short piece on NPR, an interview with a conservatory trained guitarist and teacher, Glenn Kurtz, who, as a youth had played with Dizzy Gillespie and performed on Merv Griffin who, plagued by his own feelings of inadequacy, walked away from the guitar and music for years -- but eventually found himself drawn back to it with a renewed view of music and himself. (Warning: he's got a book.

Check out the radio interview if you're interested:


(You'll see a "listen" link and there's also an excerpt from the book.)



This is the Songwriting Forum, where we get together to discuss the process and craft of songwriting. We also often ask for constructive criticism of each others' works in progress.


It's not the Guitar Jam forum, the Acoustic Guitar forum, or Glenn Kurtz's Return to Music forum.


And, since I know the natural question on your mind about now is likely to be, Just who does this guy think he is? -- let me cut to the chase: I'm a junior member in this forum.



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[uPDATE: I'm screwed up here. THIS IS AN IDIOTIC MISTAKE ON MY PART!!!! This post immediately below reflects my idiotic confusion but I'll correct and explain below!!!-- blue2blue ]


Hi, photon, I guess you're smarting about my comments about your post promoing your free album giveaway...


While your response brings a smile to my face, it would probably have a little more bite to it if it was pertinent to your intent.


I think the NPR piece is pertinent to discussions of songwriting.


If you had been hanging out in this forum and participating in it before your recent posts, you might have noticed that a recurring topic here is inspiration or the lack of it, how to maintain the determination it can take to create and finish songs, and, in general the will to keep going as a creative artist.


Since you appear to be a songwriter yourself, maybe you've faced some of those challenges.


Still, maybe you're one of the lucky ones for whom writing has always and continues to come easily.


Either way, I'm sure you'd have something to offer us, here, if you wanted to stick around and maybe talk about the challenges you faced writing the songs for your album and perhaps contribute some feedback or comments to other, perhaps less experienced songwriters here.


While I don't want to encourage the give-to-get mentality, I think there's some truth to the notion that as more people see your posts and decide you have something to offer in terms of songwriting commentary and help to others that they will naturally be drawn to find out what your music is all about.


It's up to you.


We'd love to have you participate and share, if you'd like.


The choice is yours.



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Thanks for the attempted backup, Li10, your heart was in the right place... [and I gotta tell you I appreciate the sentiment!]

But this time, I was completely in the WRONG...



What happened was some other party (a guy with the screen name of Grandeman) posted a free album offer in this forum. Which hit me as spam. Not shoe/phone spam, so I didn't kill the thread.


Anyhow, forum regular Angelo posted a comment directed at Grandeman about how overcompressed/squashed he felt music was and poor, innocent photon posted a comment about how he thought it was appropriate to the genre, etc.


Then poor, innocent photon posted a brief critique/commentary about Grandeman's music himself.



SOMEHOW -- iditiotically, moronically, carelessly, I dunno -- I ended up addressing my anti-spam comments to poor, innocent, just-doing-the-right-thing photon...


There's just no excuse for this. [but I feel compelled to say that I was at a small birthday party for one of my oldest friends [well, he's younger than me] until 4 in the morning. And I do remember thinking that I was double-checking my post to make sure I wasn't making a dumb mistake -- which shows you just how impaired I must have been. Not hung over, though, since I don't drink and haven't in almost 14 years. But I did wake up at my usual 6:30 AM yesterday morning and... uh... like I said, no excuse possible.]




I just got done sending a p.m. to photon all but begging for forgiveness and I hope he can accept my very sincere apologies!!!

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Hi, photon, I guess you're smarting about my comments about your post promoing your free album giveaway...

While your response brings a smile to my face, it would probably have a little more bite to it if it was pertinent to your intent.

I think the NPR piece
pertinent to discussions of songwriting.

you had been hanging out in this forum and participating in it before your recent posts, you might have noticed that a recurring topic here is inspiration or the lack of it, how to maintain the determination it can take to create and finish songs, and, in general the will to keep going as a creative artist.

Since you appear to be a songwriter yourself, maybe you've faced some of those challenges.

Still, maybe you're one of the lucky ones for whom writing has always and continues to come easily.

Either way, I'm sure you'd have something to offer us, here, if you wanted to stick around and maybe talk about the challenges you faced writing the songs for your album and perhaps contribute some feedback or comments to other, perhaps less experienced songwriters here.

While I don't want to encourage the give-to-get mentality, I think there's some truth to the notion that as more people see your posts and decide you have something to offer in terms of songwriting commentary and help to others that they will naturally be drawn to find out what your music is all about.

It's up to you.

We'd love to have you participate and share, if you'd like.

The choice is yours.



Nevermind- all is cool :)

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funny thing is... I thought it was spammy too. Ha hahahahah. It was because free was in capitals everywhere....


but woo, all is well!! Let's have a party!


where's a party smiley....


EDIT: I thought Grandeland's post looked spammy as well.... free was in capitals everywhere.

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funny thing is... I thought it was spammy too. Ha hahahahah. It was because free was in capitals everywhere....

but woo, all is well!! Let's have a party!

where's a party smiley....


You must have picked up a miscue from my response -- the free album offer was from a whole different guy, Grandeman... but, somehow, idiotically, first thing in morning after staying up 'til almost 5 the night before (at least I wasn't hungover, since I don't drink anymore), I saw photon's response to a post from Angelo C and, dumb-backsided me, I thought somehow that poor, innocent photon was the guy giving away the albums and posted my anti-spam comment to him instead of the Grandeman...


So I apparently dragged you along with me in my confusion. I guess I need to apologize to you, too, Li10! :D



Let me just make a blanket apology... I'm REALLY sorry!!! :eek::cry::eek:




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