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Classic 30 Footswitch...


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hey guys, i didnt know which topic to put this under, so sorry if its in the wrong one..


anyways, after trying endless amounts of effects pedals (distortion) on my classic 30, nothing really cut it compared to the clean & distortion levels and tones i could reach on an 80w solid state.. then i started playing around with the amps distortion, being new to tube amps i didnt realise that effects pedals were trying to replicate this tone, and what a tone it is :)


anyways, i dont really feel like spending top dollar on a footswitch, not to mention trying to find one round my parts, so i was just curious if there were any 3rd party/ cheapy ones that work well, or even if it was hard to build one yourself?


any information would be helpfull..



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see the schematic below



the cable breaks the circuits (arrows) when inserted, reconnecting turns function "on"


just get a 1/4 stereo cable and run to two SPST (latching or maintained) switches which connects the "barrel" to the two "tip"conductors , place in box...viola!

note: Use isolated (plastic) stereo jack if not hard wired on pedal end; barrel can't conduct to metal case!!!


get fancy with LED if you want indicators...

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thanks for that mate,

out of curiousity, is there a switch for reverb on it, as well as the channel?

and why cant you plug just any old switch in there? (ive got a 3switch footswitch that has two for chanel and boost on the one for reverb, two seperate chords)

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