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Songwriting Forum Challenge 2


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This week's challenge will be "Comedy Song." Sort of the other side of the songwriting spectrum from last week. Specifically, I had in mind the old Dr. Demento-type stuff--story songs, parodies, etc--but pretty much anything humorous will work. This might seem a bit specific, especially if lyrics and vocals aren't really your thing, but it's actually a pretty broad genre, and a little creativity can go a long way.


If you're planning on contributing to this challenge, please have your submission in by Sunday, September 16 (two weeks from now), when a new challenge will be posted.


Again, this is intended as a way for some of us less experienced songwriters to get some practice writing something with certain restrictions before a certain deadline to hopefully learn skills and get a little closer to mastering our craft. You're free to put as much or as little time into your submission as you feel necessary. However, if you make a submission, please critique others' submissions for that challenge, keeping in mind that the focus is more on songwriting and arranging, and less on production.


To submit a song, please post an audio recording (assuming you have the capabilities to) of your song with lyrics if applicable in this thread.


I think that's about it. If anyone has any good suggestions on genres, etc for the next challenge, shoot me a PM.


Happy writing everyone. :wave:

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What about running this more like the Guitar Jam Coverfest (everyone sends a PM to the mod, who creates one anonymized post with all the entries, then adds a Reveal post with the posters name's attached)? It was hard to find all the submissions in last month's Challenge, and the pre-reveal attributions are usually fun.


BTW, I have a song on the shelf that I will probably post - more funny/peculiar than funny/haha, but ...

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What about running this more like the Guitar Jam Coverfest (everyone sends a PM to the mod, who creates one anonymized post with all the entries, then adds a Reveal post with the posters name's attached)? It was hard to find all the submissions in last month's Challenge, and the pre-reveal attributions are usually fun.

BTW, I have a song on the shelf that I will probably post - more funny/peculiar than funny/haha, but ...



The way we do the Coverfest works out pretty well. There'd be this thread where you define the parameters and engage in any preliminary discussions about the Songwriting Challenge. Then, as people finish up their entries, they'd PM RadiationNation a link to the song, and he'd gather everybody's links until the deadline when he posts them all in one post as the reveal. Then just PM a mod for a sticky.

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Hm. I just did this song this afternoon and had not yet seen this thread. Hell, I wasn't a member!


The song's just acoustic and vocals right now, and the singing is awful. It takes me days to make my voice, well, unobjectionable at best. Didn't do that here, so listen past it if you would. Also, my right hand didn't like to do the shuffle much.


But now that that's said, I do like the song. I look forward to the feedback and offering up comments.


Nice tuh meet chuh!:thu:


(Oh! The lyrics are on the SoundClick Page)



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Cool Craigly, I'll definitely give that a listen when I get the chance.


I like the submission suggestions though. I'm not sure about keeping them anonymous, but having people PM links to their songs to me and then posting them all as one post to make it less confusing seems like a good idea. I'll probably try to implement that for the next challenge.

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Nah, you submitted it right, I was just replying to the people who suggested we do it differently. This time, it'll just be "post your submission somewhere in the thread," though I guess if you want you can make the link bold or something to make it easier to locate for someone skimming the page looking for the submissions.

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here is evidence for your individual casefiles in how disturbing my sense of humor can be.


ladies and gentleman, i present you: my new alt in soundclick it's already set for autoplay in the player on the top of the page.


the hans porkmeat dignified aristocracy project.


hehehe. i even created an alt in soundclick - a bit embarrassed. :eek:


little note: i tried to use only 1 sm58 for everything. i think i got a good sound. let me know

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Blue, I'm not pulling your leg here, but that's one of the most perfectly constructed lyrics you've written. It's got an Emineminy sense of meter and internal rhyme, and you'd do well to bring that lyrical sense into the rest of your work. And apart from the Weird Al vocal ticks, that song kicks ass.

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Blue, I'm not pulling your leg here, but that's one of the most perfectly constructed lyrics you've written. It's got an Emineminy sense of meter and internal rhyme, and you'd do well to bring that lyrical sense into the rest of your work. And apart from the Weird Al vocal ticks, that song kicks ass.



hehehe. weird al was the only way i could keep it from sounding like me. :D


well, as far as 'perfect construction' is concerned, i feel like it's just easy to write a joke story tune. it's not serious and mechanical devices are all that's needed.


i personally don't like lyrics to be as pointed as this usually. i like more room for interpretation, but i guess i could start employing a more 'literal' sense to my work. thanks for the input.


- g


EDIT: what a dumb {censored} i am. i was wondering what 'emineminy' meant. i thought you were referring to story songwriting over the metric sense in there. i see what you're saying now. so now, i can officially say after understanding your comment, THANK YOU...i'm definitely an eminem admirer

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Let me tell you that if the lyrics were different the song would have work!

I really like the melody and the flow but I especially liked the Chorus.

I almost crapped my pants when I heard the chorus @ 3:43 !! hehehehe


The acoustic guitar sound works.

Good song!


BTW, your humor is not that disturbing! :p


Listening to Root Beer now.

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Blue, "By the way, that poor swimmer did die", is the line that got me. It landed out of nowhere. And the context of the courtroom with Bob's demeanor, Very Funny! I'm still listening as I comment, and the voice you do at the end is great.


Good Drum Programming, BTW.

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oh jesus. :) lol. thanks. this officially marks the first time i've programmed a drum beat and NOT recorded the drums live myself...and i used FL Studio!!!!!!. (hey rsad, have i turned a 180 or WHAT?) i DID, however, sample all of my drum sounds from my own drum kit in Cubase to do it and i took time programming my fills. ....i figured, i should just get my hands wet on programming, since it's such a popular thing......and i can work on a tune without shaking the walls recording the drum set. :) bonus.

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Root Beer


My favorite part was the oobie-doobie at the end. I'm a sucker for oobie-doobies - gets me every time.





This is a fscking great song! "Big black indigenous woman nipples" is a funny line to start with, but the phrasing (the little pause after black, and then hurrying through indigenous woman nipples to make it fit the meter) puts it across perfectly, and cracks me up every time. I also love "By the way, we were acquitted". Actually, I love the whole thing, and I'll wind up reprinting the lyric sheet if I keep on like this.


Musically, it won't help you beat the Dave Matthews/Jack Johnson rap - but I don't think that is an entirely bad thing. The acoustic guitars sound great. If I listen closely I can hear the FL drum sounds and visualize the step sequencer, but the drums don't get in the way at all.


I actually listened to this last week - and it was so good I was embarrassed to just dump some mouldy crap from the slush heap after hearing the effort that went in to "Indigenous".


Unfortunately, recording some of my older, funny/haha songs this week didn't work out, so the contest will have to make do with this funny/peculiar song, a tender ditty about cross-dressing and gender confusion.


Dyke - on soundclick

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If I listen closely I can hear the FL drum sounds and visualize the step sequencer, but the drums don't get in the way at all.

it's because i was lazy in programming the hi-hat, i think. i didn't blend it and 'sway' it in time. i usually put a hit or two off in the 'piano roll' and keep the volume from being uniform. i'm trying to hide it as best i can. :)


DYKE - this line killed me

All I need is a man

To love me just the way I am

He just has to be a woman

for me, the blatant use of a strong word like 'dyke' isn't a good thing until it's completely and totally neutered and OVER-used, then it's funny as {censored}. that's what you did. if you had tied 'dyke' into a wordy chorus, it wouldn't have worked as well as the straight repetition of "i'm a dyke" four or five times. :lol: the tune is funny/peculiar, but there's definitely some 'haha' in there as well.

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Root Beer - a good smile-to-myself chuckle.


Indigenous - too good to just be a joke song!


Dyke - that aforementioned bridge is frickin' hilarious.


I think this should be an open-ended forum challenge with no end date. Whenever someone has a good one to post just do it.

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and what happened to the others? i was psyched to see what some people would come up with; given some of the off-the-wall comments i've seen in here. there HAS to be more than three songs in this one.


+1. Wassup?


For the last Guitar Jam Coverfest Dexter Frank Jr. performed and recorded the entire second side of Abbey Road (and completely nailed it from beginning to end). If he can do that, recording and submitting a single novelty item should not be so hard.

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