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What's up with the Roland Cube X Series?


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I see a cube 15x being so cheap. I used to have a cube 30 and I see this one has less models than the normal cube 15, but is it an ok amp other than that? I would use it mainly for the recording out to jot down ideas. I'm kinda bummed there is no AC30 model on it though... overdrive, distortion, metal, and r-fier is kinda bland....


Thanks guys

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I jammed with a friend of mine and his drummer on a Roland Cube 15w once, it was plenty loud enough, though we were playing funk and the drummer uses those 'quiet' electronic drums that plug into a P.A. instead of being acoustic drums.


It sounded pretty decent, though with no footswitch ability I'd have to reach down real quick and switch over to the gain and tweak it for solos and whatnot

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I think the X comes with more features, like a compressor and a chromatic tuner off the top of my head.


I have my Microcube with me, any time I've gotta go somewhere for a few days it comes along (along with my Strat, and usually one pedal in the gig bag - this trip, it's the Danelectro Fab Tone... Uglicious!).


I am intrigued by the new Microcube amps. There's a pretty good chance I'll pick up either the new 4-speaker one, or more likely the new 2-speaker 6" driver unit. The only thing I don't like about the Microcube is its shoddy bass response, and two 6" speakers would let it make noise lower without sounding like you're hitting a cow with a 2x4.

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I think the X comes with more features, like a compressor and a chromatic tuner off the top of my head.

I have my Microcube with me, any time I've gotta go somewhere for a few days it comes along (along with my Strat, and usually one pedal in the gig bag - this trip, it's the Danelectro Fab Tone... Uglicious!).

I am intrigued by the new Microcube amps. There's a pretty good chance I'll pick up either the new 4-speaker one, or more likely the new 2-speaker 6" driver unit. The only thing I don't like about the Microcube is its shoddy bass response, and two 6" speakers would let it make noise lower without sounding like you're hitting a cow with a 2x4.



They need a 212 Cube. Closed back and ported FTW. People would probably like them then.

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The whole thing about the cubes, though, is that they're small and cubic. That's why I'm not even really sure about the 2x6 Cube Street, I think they ought to have made it in the offset cab to accomodate the two speakers in a square :lol:


They aren't really gunning for the main-amp market, if you ask me, they're making COSM practice amps that are bulletproof and portable. I'd rather they stay doing what they're doing, because they're damn good at it.

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