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Master's of War


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Hi, slashdot!


Welcome to the songwriting forum!


Here in the songwriting forum we try to keep the focus on songwriting and feedback on original works in progress here.


But if you post it over in one of the 'cover-friendly' forums (like the guitar forum or perhaps the recording forum) and then put a link here in this thread I'll be happy to go listen to it and comment in one of those more appropriate forums.


If you have any originals you'd like to discuss or get feedback on why not bring one of those in and, after you've participated a little, given folks some feedback/constructive criticism they'll get to know you and likely be generous with their own feedback to you on your songs.


If we threw open the gates to covers and folks promoing their completed albums we'd be snowed with those... Hope you understand!

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No problem!


And no time like the present to start on that!



I'm enjoying your version of "Masters of War" right now... it's obviously quite heartfelt. You bring a sincere passion to it.


You're headed in the right direction, keep at it!


And I encourage you to hang out here with your fellow songwriters. Even if you're not ready to share your own work and get feedback -- and you should not be afraid to -- we have a wide range of writers and levels of expertise, here -- I'll bet you'd find it helpful to hang out and discuss songwriting and give consctructive criticism to other folks as they work on their own songs.


When I started hanging out here in the SW Forum I'd been going through a long productivity slump.


It didn't happen overnight but after a while I was writing again and when the occasional stray phrase drifted through my head, I found myself more inclined to wrestle it to earth and try to beat it into a song. I'm delighted that in the last couple months my output has come back up to where it was before the slump.


Sometimes just talking and thinking about songwriting can really push you forward. And even if it doesn't right away, you're making friends and helping other folks with their work -- and there's a certain pleasure in that, I think.

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