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OT: Anyone catch Obama's speech tonight?

Say Ocean

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Hey hot rod, I had a lower GPA than you by a whole point in high school and college. But that is cause I hate homework.

I don't take things as literal as you think. I know you thought you were being cute by calling yourself dumb and also being cute by saying "go jump off a building."

Still in very poor taste man.

:cry: did he huwt your feewings :cry:

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I'm not really sure I should do this, but {censored} it, here I go.

Let's take this step by step:

SECTION 2. The president shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, or the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law. But the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.

The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions, which shall expire at the end of their next session.

SECTION 3. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration, such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.

So the Constitution names him the Commander in Chief and primary diplomat of the United States of America and to tell Congress what's up with America.

1) Obama had the judgment to speak out against a popular, but wrong war.

2) He's slung along the top foreign policy mind in the country to be a part of his campaign.

3) His plan to get out of that war was just reaffirmed by the Iraqi government and the President of the United States, a member of the opposing political party whose rhetoric suggested this day would not come.

As a diplomat:

1) His ability to make speeches like his one in Philadelphia where he showed and expressed a clear understanding of both perspectives of the racial tensions in America is an excellent case for his ability to be a powerful diplomatic force. Why? Because he's shown that kind of intellectual heft on many issues and the ability to understand a problem fully from multiple perspectives is critical in the bargaining roll America often finds itself in when brokering between foreign sovereignties.

2) Again, he chose the top diplomatic mind in the country to be a part of his team.

3) His success on his over seas tour where he repeatedly earned the appraisal of foreign leaders shows he has the ability to maintain these relationships.

4) His rhetoric. Rhetoric is CRITICAL in foreign relations-- countries are sensitive as hell about these kind of issues. Simply comforting the world that he trusts the diplomatic process and wishes to full-on engage the world in a way that Bush has not has eased the minds of those around the world. That's what it means to be a diplomat.

What about the unofficial roles of the presidency? The day to day executive issues? Leading the country's people and his party?

Well, he ran the best organized campaign ever, according to many critics, and beat out the "well-oiled" machinery that the political behemoth, Hillary Clinton, was running. That his campaign showed none of the slips of the other major campaigns (administratively, executively) suggests that Obama, in the largest executive undertaking that any candidate had taken previously (except for maybe Romney), organizing a presidential campaign, was a tremendous success. In leading the people and the party? Again-- rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric. RHETORIC IS THE POWER OF THE PRESIDENCY. We can drop bombs, we can control the military, but the presidents main power in this country is to mobilize the American people. Obama has shown himself to be more capable of that than any presidential candidate, and perhaps, any president short of Reagan. Clinton's greatest yielding of his power was telling the American people Congress was {censored}ing with them by not passing the budget and convincing America that the Republican stand in Congress was a cheap political ploy. That's the power of the president-- that's how he affects Congress, policy, and the pulse of this country.

{censored}ing hell, I can't stand when people make light of rhetoric. Obama has shown the ability to be a powerful organizational executive from the streets of Chicago to the complex machinery of a presidential campaign, but the second half of leadership, leaving the office and moving the people, regular citizens of the US and Congress alike, foreign enemies and allies, THAT's where the president has the greatest potential for action and effect.

And for what it's worth, I have no desire defending anything I just wrote. Disagree with me? Fine. Go read some history and study the American presidency. Not my job to educate you-- that's the job of the schools that have failed to create an educated democratic (and that doesn't mean the democratic party, dolts) electorate.

Oh yeah--

Pat Buchanan is basically raving about this speech.



You are delusional and so is Pat Buchanan. Are you really wanting to side yourself with Pat Buchanan? I never did.


Did your eyes open up for the first time during this election cycle? You drank a BUNCH of koolaide didn't you?

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Hey hot rod, I had a lower GPA than you by a whole point in high school and college. But that is cause I hate homework.

I don't take things as literal as you think. I know you thought you were being cute by calling yourself dumb and also being cute by saying "go jump off a building."

Still in very poor taste man.

Meh. I disagree. Had I said: "I hope you die a horrible death by :blah: :blah:"...THAT would be bad taste, but what I said...you have complete control over. :cop:


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Well, nearly half of his speach was trying to paint McCain as Bush's clone. Then he says that people without fresh ideas will use stale tactics, including bashing opponents. It was rather ironic.



Well it's about time he started standing up for himself against the Republicans... They tend to act like kids in school or on HCAF if you know what I mean.

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Hey hot rod, I had a lower GPA than you by a whole point in high school and college. But that is cause I hate homework.

I don't take things as literal as you think. I know you thought you were being cute by calling yourself dumb and also being cute by saying "go jump off a building."

Still in very poor taste man.

BTW, I like "Hot Rod". I think I'm gonna make my friends call me that. :cop:

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You are delusional and so is Pat Buchanan. Are you really wanting to side yourself with Pat Buchanan? I never did.

Did your eyes open up for the first time during this election cycle? You drank a BUNCH of koolaide didn't you?



So what you're saying is that my response as to what Obama has done to prove he has the right to be the nominee of the Democratic Party (which, btw, I'm pretty sure is earned by receiving votes) is too good for you to tackle on any point, you'd rather deflect to my side comment that a rather conservative pundit who has been very critical straight along of Obama says he thinks this was a brilliant speech which was not only non-partisan, but American?


Enjoy the pwn. Kthxbye.

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No, not in the least. I am just pointing out his tasteless remarks. No internet tough guy (SP or otherwise) can really get to me.

Good try though!


See, now you're confusing me with an internet tough guy. I told you to inflict pain/death upon yourself. I didn't say I was gonna do it. :cop:

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I hope you do know that there were probably 5 people in that whole stadium that weren't in love with him in the first place. He could have said "Skittles" and everyone would have cheered like no tomorrow.



hehehe i actually giggled. you're probably right aboot that, but you have to admit, it was epic as a mofo. He hit like every nerve in american frustration. He makes it sound so sincere too. Its going to be interesting if he gets in and then yanks all our troops out of iraq and he watches the iranians go into iraq and slay every sunni they can find, hold iraqi oil hostage and expand their arms aresenal while commiting genocide along the way. Hell blame that on Bush too i guess. His speech really brought home some interesting things, like for instance he seems VERY right about mccain having no {censored}ing clue what the average american really cares about. The fact that mccain thinks middleclass threshold is $5 mill is ludacris, he is very out of touch. Most of these senators and representatives are filthy rich and have no clue about us and dont give a rats ass either. Poor Mccain, he is like the complete antithesis of Obama. Its going to be hysterical when they debate in October and he has to speak AFTER Obama, you're gonna hear {censored}ing crickets.

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So what you're saying is that my response as to what Obama has done to prove he has the right to be the nominee of the Democratic Party (which, btw, I'm pretty sure is
by receiving
) is too good for you to tackle on any point, you'd rather deflect to my side comment that a rather conservative pundit who has been very critical straight along of Obama says he thinks this was a brilliant speech which was non-partisan, but American?

Enjoy the pwn. Kthxbye.


can you have my babies :love:

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hehehe i actually giggled. you're probably right aboot that, but you have to admit, it was epic as a mofo. He hit like every nerve in american frustration. He makes it sound so sincere too. Its going to be interesting if he gets in and then yanks all our troops out of iraq and he watches the iranians go into iraq and slay every sunni they can find, hold iraqi oil hostage and expand their arms aresenal while commiting genocide along the way. Hell blame that on Bush too i guess. His speech really brought home some interesting things, like for instance he seems VERY right about mccain having no {censored}ing clue what the average american really cares about. The fact that mccain thinks middleclass threshold is $5 mill is ludacris, he is very out of touch. Most of these senators and representatives are filthy rich and have no clue about us and dont give a rats ass either. Poor Mccain, he is like the complete antithesis of Obama. Its going to be hysterical when they debate in October and he has to speak AFTER Obama, you're gonna hear {censored}ing crickets.

I know you're being sarcastic in much of your statement but do you seriously think a man that intelligent would be stupid enough to do anything you mentioned? If your answer is yes, don't respond at all and I will then know that you are in fact a moron. :facepalm:

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So what you're saying is that my response as to what Obama has done to prove he has the right to be the nominee of the Democratic Party (which, btw, I'm pretty sure is
by receiving
) is too good for you to tackle on any point, you'd rather deflect to my side comment that a rather conservative pundit who has been very critical straight along of Obama says he thinks this was a brilliant speech which was not only non-partisan, but American?

Enjoy the pwn. Kthxbye.



I think the public is as uninformed as you are.



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I think the public is as uninformed as you are.




I think you asked a question, I answered, and you've demonstrated no knowledge whatsoever on the issue.


There's nothing you've written that suggests you're informed at all on the issue.


It's easy to ask a critical question, hard to answer it, harder yet to respond to that answer, and hardest to actually discuss.


You can't ever seem to make it to step two in that process though which is why years of butting heads with you on these forums has never led to you revealing yourself as anything more than a one-dimensional, non-thinking attack dog on those you disagree with.


Honestly, take it somewhere else. Most of the time people on here who want to discuss politics actually discuss politics rather than quoting those they agree with and using cheap one line shots and critiques on those you disagree with. I have a million times more respect for someone like DyeMusica who completely disagrees with me on just about anything and can't help but to devolve into ad hominem attacks and emotion driven arguments because at some point in his discussions with me he actually engages information and arguments I put forth and puts forth his own.


You're just a troll, and a bad one at that.

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I know you're being sarcastic in much of your statement but do you seriously think a man that intelligent would be stupid enough to do anything you mentioned? If your answer is yes, don't respond at all and I will then know that you are in fact a moron.

you're the moron... I wasnt being sarcastic at all...wtf is your problem? god you mother{censored}ers cant continue a dialogue without insults when somebody disagrees with your prescious opinions and beliefs. So many douche's, so little time.

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You're part of the public

Please, enlighten me on your vast insight.

Collectively, you are correct. However, not in a million years would I vote for the 1st and 3rd most liberal senators in the country to become our president.

That statement effectively removes me from about half of all the population and with any hope, less than half.

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I think you asked a question, I answered, and you've demonstrated no knowledge whatsoever on the issue.

There's nothing you've written that suggests you're informed at all on the issue.

It's easy to ask a critical question, hard to answer it, harder yet to respond to that answer, and hardest to actually discuss.

You can't ever seem to make it to step two in that process though which is why years of butting heads with you on these forums has never led to you revealing yourself as anything more than a one-dimensional, non-thinking attack dog on those you disagree with.

Honestly, take it somewhere else. Most of the time people on here who want to discuss politics actually discuss politics rather than quoting those they agree with and using cheap one line shots and critiques on those you disagree with. I have a million times more respect for someone like DyeMusica who completely disagrees with me on just about anything and can't help but to devolve into ad hominem attacks and emotion driven arguments because at some point in his discussions with me he actually engages information and arguments I put forth and puts forth his own.

You're just a troll, and a bad one at that.

I think he's overwhelmed with people he's arguing with at the moment. I'm still waiting for a response to a much earlier post but I'm just gonna leave it. He's got some thinking to do about his actions and motivations for saying things. :cop:

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You are delusional and so is Pat Buchanan. Are you really wanting to side yourself with Pat Buchanan? I never did.

Did your eyes open up for the first time during this election cycle? You drank a BUNCH of koolaide didn't you?

If you can't admit that he had completely valid points, you deserve McCain as a president.

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you're the moron... I wasnt being sarcastic at all...wtf is your problem? god you mother{censored}ers cant continue a dialogue without insults when somebody disagrees with your prescious opinions and beliefs. So many douche's, so little time.

:eek:I appologize... :lol: I didn't mean for that to sound so mean.

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I think you asked a question, I answered, and you've demonstrated no knowledge whatsoever on the issue.

There's nothing you've written that suggests you're informed at all on the issue.

It's easy to ask a critical question, hard to answer it, harder yet to respond to that answer, and hardest to actually discuss.

You can't ever seem to make it to step two in that process though which is why years of butting heads with you on these forums has never led to you revealing yourself as anything more than a one-dimensional, non-thinking attack dog on those you disagree with.

Honestly, take it somewhere else. Most of the time people on here who want to discuss politics actually discuss politics rather than quoting those they agree with and using cheap one line shots and critiques on those you disagree with. I have a million times more respect for someone like DyeMusica who completely disagrees with me on just about anything and can't help but to devolve into ad hominem attacks and emotion driven arguments because at some point in his discussions with me he actually engages information and arguments I put forth and puts forth his own.

You're just a troll, and a bad one at that.



Um guy, I have work in the morning. I am not a teacher. So I am going to bed in a half hour.


Secondly, I find very little of value to respond to in your post. If I responded, and took the 1/2 hour necessary to refute you word for word, it would still not change your mind. So I won't. There is nothing to discuss when someone such as yourself, has your head so far up Obama's rear that you couldn't find your way out if someone was tugging from the outside.

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