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NAD! (Tiny Terror Hype Content)


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Yay, I got a Tiny Terror today via loomer415 from the forums. It is a MIK version in super condition, so thanks goes to him!


I have been looking to buy a cabinet for the amp but need to save some money for a week or two, so for now I've got it plugged into the speaker on my Blackheart Little Giant combo. I was thinking about the selling the combo and buying a cabinet, or making a trade, but I love that little Blackheart to much to say goodbye right now. Anyway, I might need to change out the speaker because it's a little harsh, I know the Orange's have a kind of harsh mid spike anyway, and I'm usually a guy who likes mids, its just an overly bright speaker to my ears. So any suggestions on what to throw in there would be appreciated.


I live in an apartment, so I was rocking it out at pretty low volumes, I found out that on 15 watts its a little less fizzy when turned down. At least that is my first impression, I only played it for about half an hour. I cranked it up just for a minute or two and it sounded 20x better, so I'm excited. I'm having band practice tomorrow night so I'm going to bring this little guy along with me. I play bass, but I'll have a guitar player run it so I can hear it at full load.


Oh and another exciting find is that this thing with the Fulltone OCD I got a week ago freakin' rocks. Definitely makes the OCD purchase make sense for me now.






And making her HC debut, I present my kitten, Mia, checking the new amp out. Whenever I play guitar she comes and sits on my amp and stares at me. I think she likes music, or maybe she just loves attention.



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I like V30's too. I had some Warehouse Veteran 30's in my Peavey Classic, and I loved them. I've been looking at the Avatar cabinets with one V30 and one G12H30. I think it's really not the mids but the high end is just a little harsh on the speaker in the blackheart. So I might throw another WGS speaker in there.

And in terms of comparing the Tiny Terror and the Blackheart, I dont' think that's a very fair comparison. For one, I've only had the Tiny Terror for a couple hours, so I'll wait to pass judgement. Of course I love having the master volume on the TT, which is something I wish the Blackheart had. It's too loud to get it break up naturally, though a Micro Amp in front does wonders.

I think I'm going to love the TT when cranked, so I'll wait till tomorrow to make any other judgements on it :)

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G12H30...the "other" white meat as far as speakers. tried and true. i've been thinking of throwing some in some of my cabs for variety's sake. maybe one in my vox 212 and two in my Orange PPC412. anyway, congrats on the TT! in the furture (get to know your amp first, of course) might try a different model preamp tube, i hear it does wonders for the amps cleaner characteristics. cheers and go join the orange conglomorate!

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Yay, I took the little guy over to my band practice last night early and cranked it up. It's just got a really bright and harsh high end right now. And I don't know if its the combo of the speakers, but I feel like its the amp. I have to roll back the tone pretty far to manage that brightness. Especially on the higher gain settings.

When I did that though, it was glorious. Sounded a lot like my bandmates Sovtek Mig50, which is one of my favorite tones. Just a real light crunch, hurray. I'm excited, I'm just hoping I can figure out that high end harshness. Could I flip in some different preamp tubes? If so, what should I try?

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