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Band Promo Help


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Hey guys,


Ok, so my band is just finishing with our EP and we are starting to kick it into the promotion gear. I am planning on putting together press kits and sending them to news papers and radio stations. Also we are going to be trying to get online bloggers to review our music.


I was wondering... if all of you guys that read this forum on harmony central could help me out a bit.


What sites or people do you know that would be willing to do quality reviews on an independent band that isn't well known or signed(that is of course besides all of you stand up gents and gals).


Also, anyone know people that work at radio stations or know radio stations that would be more likely to want to play our music?


Anyone know critiques that work for newspapers that might like to critique an independent band? Also, if there are any critiques you yourself read that you like... post it up...


I'm going to try and keep this post going for at least the next couple weeks. I'll also update with the music as soon as we get it back from the mastering sweet and decide to release.


Anyways, I would really appreciate all of your help, my band is going to try and market this CD ourselves and since we have a limited budget every press kit and CD matters.

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well, i think this is a thread for the 'music biz' forum, but i'll offer one little piece of advice. check with your local papers to see if they have a music review section. . . . even if six people read the paper, get the disk reviewed and quote the best sentence out of it and include that in your growing list of positive, raving reviews for your website/press kit.


radio? college radio. get in contact with the local schools and see what DJ will get your music spinning.


good luck. oh, and bottom line: get the hell out and gig, gig, gig.

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