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Check Out My Radiohead/Interpol/Mogwai Inspired Band


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Some good experimental stuff there. Very Nirvana esk angst driven indie rock.


The bit rate lets the quality down a little, so it's hard to be clear on the mix, but I would say that the vocals need to be a little louder. And I'm not sure about the vocal treatment on Teenage Momentum, a little harsh on my ears, but that may well be my age :) The vocal tuning is a little out at times too, especially in Midwinter. No big deal though.


Musically it's very competent, the drumming in particular stands out nicely, but all the instruments work well, with some nice interplay. Great overall feel.


Overall, some good stuff though. Just tweak the vocal mix maybe. :thu:

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nice stuff. I'd come out to see you guys play in LA anytime. :cool:


I am curious though why many LA bands who cite influences like Mogwai, Autolux, or Radiohead have such commercially formatted songs with vocals coming in right away (??) and no sense of mystery as to where the listener might be taken. hmmmm . . .

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Some good experimental stuff there. Very Nirvana esk angst driven indie rock.

The bit rate lets the quality down a little, so it's hard to be clear on the mix, but I would say that the vocals need to be a little louder. And I'm not sure about the vocal treatment on Teenage Momentum, a little harsh on my ears, but that may well be my age
The vocal tuning is a little out at times too, especially in Midwinter. No big deal though.

Musically it's very competent, the drumming in particular stands out nicely, but all the instruments work well, with some nice interplay. Great overall feel.

Overall, some good stuff though. Just tweak the vocal mix maybe.


thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment. unfortunately myspace's player really lowers the quality, but its the best way to get people to listen and hear it. thanks again :)

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nice stuff. I'd come out to see you guys play in LA anytime.

I am curious though why many LA bands who cite influences like Mogwai, Autolux, or Radiohead have such commercially formatted songs with vocals coming in right away (??) and no sense of mystery as to where the listener might be taken. hmmmm . . .


awesome, expect me to be bothering you as soon as we start playing out in the next few months ;)


in our case it is really just about personal taste.. radiohead, interpol, bloc party, are pop music at the core and that is why their songwriting is so great. its the things on the surface that add emotional depth that stuff on MTV today lacks. while some "LA bands" might be playing to the industry rather than the artistic, i don't really see how these types of songs are any different than what blonde redhead is doing, for example. i think you get into dangerous mars volta type territory where things can get extremely self-indulgent. i'm all for rockouts and atmosphere and journeys in songs but i think the real challenge and accomplishment is working that into a concise, well structured song. anyway, it's a discussion i would love to have sometime.


great profile pic and thanks for checking us out.

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I like it. I hear some shoegaze elements in there, stuff thats similar to My Bloody Valentine and the Cure. If by some miraculous chance you guys end up on the east coast, I'd love to play a show with you.


great to hear that influences like that are showing through, however subtle and secondary they may be. thanks :)

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great to hear that influences like that are showing through, however subtle and secondary they may be. thanks


I guess it was the spacey elements within the music that made me think shoegaze. And when I refer to space I don't mean trippy, but actual rests and space within the music.

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amongst those space whatever name you wanna give em influences you guys sound a lot like HUM! with a tinge of Unwound, and I actually can't think of too many higher compliments than those two bands.. vocals are really nice.. some of the coolest sounds ive come across in a bloody long time!

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Thought it was mostly well done. It's a style/genre I have a soft spot for.


But it does sound like a lot of other bands. Of course, some of your models, notably Interpol (who I hate myself for liking -- they are so formulaic and appropriative -- but they appropriate from some of my favorite bands from a quarter century ago), are chameleonic in their absorption of other band's signature styles. There were a couple of places where it sounded like some pretty blatant AutoTune misuse; maybe it was just my ears playing tricks pulling the vocals out of the mix; at any rate there were some steppy pitch jumps that took me out of the moment. Good stuff but I'm not hearing much of what I'd call a unique musical personality. But I might mistake some of it for old Interpol tracks... and that's heady praise in some camps, I suppose. ;)

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