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So who here plays a Marshall 1960A/B cab?


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Cause of the v30's?


ya, but also the constrction is a little more durable ime. i had some problems with my 1960a rattling and {censored}, but my bv has been solid as a rock for the last 2 years or so that ive had it. but i also hate 75s, v30s are my prefered speaker of choice. if you want 75s in a cab, get a avatar or something else

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A few tweaks could have made it amazing....:poke:



Yeah, I've heard that. I changed out the speakers. I rewired it. I wasted too much time on it so I sold it at a loss (they hold their value poorly). I bought a Bogner cab and I'm much happier now. The money I spent trying to make it better could have been used to fund something else.


I will tell you this...it sounded best when I threw my 2x12 framus on top of it. It really filled out what the marshall was missing. The bogner does that anyway so the framus stays at home.

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ya, but also the constrction is a little more durable ime. i had some problems with my 1960a rattling and {censored}, but my bv has been solid as a rock for the last 2 years or so that ive had it. but i also hate 75s, v30s are my prefered speaker of choice. if you want 75s in a cab, get a avatar or something else



But I can get a 1960 all day, any day, for 3 bills.


What amps do you play? Marshalls?

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