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What would you do?

Dale B.

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During the past week I've had a door open up for me. My good friend, a guy who I've played guitar with in the past, hit me up for an opening spot in their band. I've been practicing with him and the rest of the band. Considering I've only been playing again for about 2 months, I've done fairly well.


Here is the scoop: He uses 3 different tones during a live show. His amp is a Peavey 5150II. It's just Clean, Crunchy and all out balls to the wall. I'm sure you're all familiar with the amp. My problem is that every single amp I have is either a single channel or a two channel amplifier.


I have a CAA OD100 Classic Plus, which sounds killer in the mix. Then, I've got a Mesa T-verb head, a Peavey 6505 and a Fargen Olde 800. Dave Friedman is still working on my JMP. Basically, I don't have that Crunchy tone in the middle.


I've thought about running a Fulltone OCD into the clean of the OD100 for a Crunch. My next option would be to run my Roccaforte Bastard on the 2nd channel of the OD100 set to a Crunch tone. After that, I've thought about buying a Tone Bone head switcher and running the Fargen for the Crunch. My only problem with all of the above options is that I will be tap dancing.


My ideal situation would be to have a 3 channel amp. The only ones I would even remotely consider would be a VHT Ultra-Lead, Diezel Herbert or a Diezel VH4. If I buy any of those, the Fargen, 6505 and T-verb have to go. I'm probably fixing to sell four of those Stan-Spec Weber speakers as well.


What would you do?

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