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Input greatly appreciated on first song!


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Welcome to the Songwriting Forum, Chris!


Sounds really strong for a first effort. Very solidly performed and sung and a nice clean recording (some may have an ish with the guitar delay-derived stereo, but what you gonna do, y'know? I think it sounds fine and brings some stereo dimension to things. Maybe the only reason it even gets my attention is because I was just wrestling with one of my own guitar parts trying to get just the right stereo-spread out of a delay.)



The chords and melody sound good, everything seems in place. I'm none too good at following lyrics without a lyric sheet, so I'll pass without extended comment about those (unless you want to post the lyrics) but the few bits I caught sounded fine.


It looks like you're off to a very good start!



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Very nice song. I like the sound of the guitar, her voice, which is very nice to listen to and finally the melody - so basically, that's gonna be everything...;)


Do you sing yourself? It wold suit this kind of music with some kind of supporting vocal. I can really hear a deeper vocal in the chorus singing the vocal line very precisely giving the lead vocal space for good improvisations.


Nice song!

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