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clean boosts plus low wattage amps= luv.


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all i gotta say, gents (and occasional lady), is that if you're scrugglin' along trying to get good midgain tones out of a low wattage amp, or if yer toughin' it out trying to get clarity out of the gain side of yer fancy amp, that an mxr micro amp, a clean channel, and yer volume up high can make tones that're clear as all hell, and SO freakin' full of harmonics.


never messed much with clean boosts, but DAMN.. total revelation. you spend so much time thinking that gain tones are the by product of some magical distortion/OD circuit.. and just making your amp suffer with a hot signal up front REALLY produces more clarity and the goods than any pedal i've ever tried! it ain't high gain, per se, but if you make sure that the power section of your amp is hot, and the front side's down lower (i reckon because the power sections' got more ass end voltage wise?), you can keep a nice full bass without the flub, and still get a fair bit of gain out of it.


other benefit's that with something like a mesa where your volume knob doesn't work so well (save on the gain channel- mine drops treble like a stone on clean..)-- it gives a whole lot more usability at the guit.


sorry if all this stuff is total 'duh' territory.. but it's really a great tool i can't believe it took me this long to find...

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