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Speaker Magnets


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I understand that it's a really bad idea to have magnets in close proximity to televisions, computers, etc. There have been a few times where I have let my amp get a little too close to the TV and it's incredible how powerful those V30 speaker magnets really are...


...any way, I was moving some {censored} around the other night, trying to make better use of my living space and without thinking I placed my amp directly behind the TV (in two seperate rooms with a wall in between). I didn't even think about it until my girlfriend turned on the TV the other night and said it was all messed up...


I moved the amp away from the wall and the TV is fine. My question is, when both the amp and the TV are powered off, is any damage being done or is the damage only taking place when the TV is on with the amp in close proximity? I don't plan sticking with the arrangement, I'm more or less curious. Thanks.

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It certainly doesn't cause any damage to the speaker or the amp. On the TV side, the issue is that electromagnets are used inside the CRT (the picture tube) to direct the beams. If you put a powerful magnet near the screen, you can see that it will affect the picture quality. I have seen where putting a strong magnet right next to the screen for a while will permanently alter the screen.


Magnets have no effect on LCD or plasma type screens.

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Yep. But the magnets have to be very close to affect the electron beam inside the tube. Most combos still have enough clearance between the magnets and the tubes but at least one of Laney's combos had to be revisioned with new ("flatter") speakers to prevent this problem.

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