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Does this sound ok?

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Really nice! Kept my attention through the whole song with just guitar and voice, not bad. A haunting melody, too. The video effect adds a little distance and keeps the focus on the music.

Do you have other stuff?



most of my stuff is covers, I can never finish my originals :o



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It's super hard to hear everything clearly, but it sounds pretty. Can you record this some other way, just to make things a little clearer?



it is probably the webcam mic... pretty low quality. The good mic I have makes a strange ticking sound when I record with it so I had to stop using it.

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I think this has the makings of a good song, but it sounds terrible right now. The hiss on the webcam mic is awful.



ya the camera mic sounds pretty bad... and it picks up almost no bass. I'll try to get my good mic to work before I record anything else.

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