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The Daily Melodies May 19 - 23 (episode 100)


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Wow. I've oft' seen your threads but never knew what you actually did until now. You are truly talented in melody making and guitar playing.


Are you planning on doing anything with your many compositions?

Although, like you said on your site, this whole thing started out as a way to get your creativity flowing, from what I heard they have enormous potential across the broad spectrum of musical applications from stand-alone instrumentals to possible full songs (vocals, drums etc...) to movie soundtracks!


Keep up the great work.

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hey dude... thanks very much


well, life is a long journey you know - for now, i'm getting heaps of enjoyment out of the daily project, but like all things it will come to an end sometime


the benefit of this is that after it's all finished, i'll have a huge portfolio of pieces to do all sorts of stuff...


maybe i'll tour, maybe i'll release a disc, maybe i'll arrange some for a choir or a string ensemble, maybe i'll extend some, maybe i'll throw together a few guys and start another band... many options


i'll let fate throw a hand in time


i really appreciate your comments man, thanks

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Hey man,


I find your concept very inspiring. I really wish I could get myself to do something like that. I give you all the praise in the world for having the ability to be that consistent. Good music as well and the site is very elegant (as a web designer and musician myself). I'm partial to May 19th for the layered vibe.


My question is--does it feel liberating to have so many mini-compositions?


I always feel that my songs are just too "precious" and I never finish anything. I'm wondering if treating them more as quick, potentially "throwaway" compositions and having a high volume of them might give one a sense of ease when writing something new, since you aren't so focused on creating one really good piece? Hopefully that makes sense. I'm just tired of being the opposite of prolific...


Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing that with us!



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myramyd... i totally get where you're at - it's one of the things that kicked this into gear... i had written plenty of tunes before - i knew i could write a tune, but it just never came out as easy as i remembered...


the thing would often turn into a chore... and the creativity part of the process turned into an obligation... like i had to do it...


this has given me a sense of freedom in what i can write - that's for sure - but the commitment i've made to sharing it with the public on a daily basis also subjected my writing to a level of self-scrutiny... about whether i'm keeping it unique, whether i'm treading over used ideas, whether it's at the level of the previous ones, whether people will like it, etc


i think that quality in a musician is ever present, and should be really.


But the whole process was set in place to break down the barriers I faced as a writer, to remove the creative blocks, to generate a stockpile of 'ideas', and to give me a sense of being a composer again... purpose, direction and satisfaction.


I'm really glad it's inspiring to you, i mean the concept inspired me too... and you might not have the time or desire to write a full tune a day, but you could definitely find time to do something... even a single line, or a new chord voicing, or a rhythm everyday - that would be enough to switch on the creative mind and if you do it daily it will start filtering it's way into everything you do


go to dailymelodies.com and look in the archive at the first few compositions i did (Dec 2007)... you'll notice they were much shorter, and less refined... compare these to the newer ones, and i'm able to develop more in the same time span... it's like creative fitness work...


anyway dude, i've rambled... so glad you're into it, thanks heaps


spread the love

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Thanks again man--you Aussies are cool people--every one I've met so far have had a great attitude towards life. I hope to visit there someday.


I'm going to rearrange my studio for better workflow and get going. Begin the transition from musician to songwriter/composer--like I've been trying to do for the last 2 years!

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