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New Band Song(YouTube)


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So I was wondering if I could get opinions on this song that I wrote. The link is to a YouTube video which is the best and only recording I have of the song. Take into account that the song was recorded through the stereo mic no my camcorder so the sound levels aren't great.


Either way let me know what you guys think of it.








Also, if anyone is interested in looking at the other songs we played that night then they are here: http://www.youtube.com/user/stfnross


However, I'm primarily interested in feedback on opening doors.

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Hey, Stefan


I make it a practice not to give detailed comments on lyrics that aren't posted and, of course, it's almost impossible to make out more than a few words here, so I'll just leave that aside.


It sounds properly yearning-to-urgent in its emotional range as it cranks up. I have to say that it doesn't seem to fall too far from the alt/indie/emo tree (but then a lot of my country and blues tunes sound a bit on the familiar side, too ;) ).


It sounds like a respectable tune (and respect can be hard to come by in today's world) but in its current form I don't think it's going to make someone turn around from a conversation by the bar and go, "Wow, I've never heard anything like that before!" (Of course, how often does that happen, anyhow? :D )

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I liked the verses alot, but the chorus wasn't great IMO. It's quite predictable to my ears, you can hear the build up coming, you know, how it goes from soft verse to louder more abrasive chorus. It's been done everywhere in modern music, especially alternative rock. I really like the guitar melodies in the verses though.


I'd say, take the song in a more experimental direction structurally, maybe instead of going verse > chorus > verse > chorus, have a gradual build up throughout the entire song or something, not verse, chorus, verse. It just doesn't do the verse music justice.


Or simply don't put the distortion on for the chorus and "rock out" or whatever. For example, in David Bowie's song "Heroes", it just uses a different melody and vocals.


I think this song could be made into something incredible.



EDIT: 4:00 onwards is very good, especially the drum parts.

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It was difficult to hear the song on your youtube video. I checked out some of your myspace stuff and there was a lot to like there.


I think the vocals are very good and I enjoyed the guitar as well.


For me the most challenging thing when writing songs is to come up lyrics that do not rely on cliche, have good imagery, fit the music, and have something that people can relate to.


I would keep working on your lyrics specifically in "1942". "Take me away from this place" has been said a million different times in a thousand different ways.


Keep rockin out!! You sound great.

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