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Show Review/Gear Report!! Shai Hulud/After The Burial/Born Of Osiris


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I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by this show. I have been an enormous Shai Hulud fan forever, so, going for them was a no brainer. But, I couldnt believe how tight some of these young guns sounded! I havent heard any of ATB/BOO's stuff, so, I obviously wasnt familiar with it, but, both of those bands seemed to not miss a note.


After the Burial-- was rockin 4 orange 4x12's and Marshall TSL100's on top. Great tone. Clearest tone out of 8 string players that I have personally ever heard live.


Shai Hulud-- (legendary in my book, so, Im a tad biased) gave the best outing that Ive ever seen of them as well. They used ATB's gear, so, nothing to report there ha. If you have heard Misanthropy Pure, the latest album, its hard to believe that the only thing that was recorded in a studio was the drums!!! Everything else was recorded direct!! I couldnt believe it!!


Born of Osiris-- wow 2 fullstacks, vader cabs and Randall heads (not quite sure which ones, but, the ones with the green lights on them) damn thick and clear. These guys seem very young for how tight they are. Their drummer looked like such a frightened young boy but he was badass. Their fans on the other hand... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: but i guess thats what young fans of any form of extreme music have become.


all in all good tones, good tunes

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shai hulud> those other bands. fact.





what didnt really surprise me, but, still dissapointed me a little, was the fact about 3/4 of the crowd hung out outside while they were playing. All the while, im thinking, "you little assholes... its bands like shai hulud that are the reason that these other bands EXIST"

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Boo's drummer is funny lookin...really shy and keeps to himself...he writes ALL their material.

Was Burning The Masses not on the tour yet? it comes here next month, and they are the opener...THAT BAND IS AMAZING. up there with after the burial.



Yes they were. I forgot to mention them. They were definately solid. I was a tad turned off by them because, and this is a personal thing that I hate, their guitar players seemingly played EVERYTHING they knew on guitar during their soundcheck, so, I almost felt like there wasnt much of a reason to watch their set ha ha. Im sure thats lame, but, I just hate when bands, drummers included, have a huge wankfest for a soundcheck.

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