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travis coats

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This is certainly one of my favorite things I've heard here. I really like the music. And I like the idea of the vocals a lot. I like the sound of the vocal, the flavor and character of your voice. I like the idea of the odd way your voice dips at the ends of lines... but that may be the key to a bit of ambivalence in my reaction to it... I like the almost affectless deadpan you seem to be going for. But there's a little awkwardness and tentativeness in your approach that undercuts that deadpan quality a little.


My first GF got under my skin one time when we were watching this blues guy play and he was grimacing a little as he played, strecthing strings, and she said, "Effort is a sign of imperfect mastery."


Which started a long dialog about the merits of the zen koan as a basis for a critical system, IIRC, but the bottom line is that that dialog exemplified my torn feelings here.


On the one hand, I appreciate it more because you're trying to find a vocal approach that's as individualistic as the other instruments, I appreciate that you're reaching, pushing... at the same time... part of me is thinking, to do this really right -- like the instruments are really right -- to do this right, the vocal has to be not just deadpan with a peculiar melodic twist but it has to be negligently self-confident and 100% committed to its matter of fact oddness. It's very close...


Really a cool project.

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I like your tones a lot and they are really fantastic.


But I say focus on making your vocals more understandable sonically. Cause your poetry is good in a sense that it's also fantastic.


Only advice I have is make your vocals a bit more understandable soundwise.


Every musician is a unique person no matter what we are all different when it comes to our art. But yet we all share some things that we are good at.

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I really enjoyed this.Great compositions --very unique and well played--Very tasty stuff with feel.The first piece especially drew me in with the Canta hondo Flamenco style vocals...Enjoyed all the music here ---excellent work man!

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