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Satriani Sues ColdPlay


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haha-- way to g:o joe

- but in the article it says little wayne was the top grammy nominated "artist" ... god this generation is garbage

+1 Garbage w/a capital "G", these are the same generation kids who will be taking care of me in a nursing home in 30 +years.:facepalm:...God help me, the song has the same chord progression just a different key, I say sue the piss out of em'.:cop::poke::lol:

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+1 Garbage w/a capital "G", these are the same generation kids who will be taking care of me in a nursing home in 30 +years.
...God help me, the song has the same chord progression just a different key, I say sue the piss out of em'.


I agree with the "generation = garbage thing" but WTF sue because the progressions are the same? {censored} then everyone in country, punk, blues and all subsequent genre's are in deep {censored} then.

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They sound very similar, but as others have said, I don't see them being Satch fans. Maybe the guitarist listens to him, but not enough to get the melody line. For what it's worth, the Coldplay song sound exactly like every other Coldplay song, so I don't think Joe will win.

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I think I'm leaning with Joe on this one. It is one thing to have a riff that is similar but their whole song damn near exact to joes progressions, even the lyric lines. I don't believe that they set out to purposely copy his song to make a mega hit but it sure sounds like that they borrowed a lot. I believe that they thought since it was an instrumental that they could lean on it more. Satch's song has the makings on a radio friendly commercial hit. That is what he does best and he nailed it on that one. It sounds like a song that should have lyrics.

Coldplay might have a tough time on this one. Either way it goes it benefits Joe cause his song will now be one of the most downloaded ever. He will sell a lot from this.

BTW, coldplay sucks IMHO.

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haha-- way to g:o joe

- but in the article it says little wayne was the top grammy nominated "artist" ... god this generation is garbage


I don't pay much attention to the grammy awards, so it shouldn't bother me... but if lil wayne got one grammy nod, I'd lose what little faith I have left in society... but to be the top nominated "artist" ...good God :facepalm:


I haven't listened to either of the songs in question... but what, Viva La Vida has been out for 5 months and only now does the "rock virtuoso" notice the similarities... I'd say he's a little late on the draw.

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In all seriousness, the choruses or main hooks are pretty damn similar. If Verve Pipe had to pay the Rolling Stone for Bittersweet Symphony, then Joe has an argument.


I do think asking for "any and all profits" is a bit extreme. For starters, he did not write any lyrics. I say give Joe 45% cut and call it a day.

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In all seriousness, the choruses or main hooks are pretty damn similar. If Verve Pipe had to pay the Rolling Stone for Bittersweet Symphony, then Joe has an argument.

I do think asking for "any and all profits" is a bit extreme. For starters, he did not write any lyrics. I say give Joe 45% cut and call it a day.


What? Please,...give me a {censored}ing break.


I've heard both songs,...sure, some of the progressions and the rhythms are vaguely similar, but that's about it. The songs are in different keys and I would have never made the connection. Do you know how many songs in the rock/pop genre U can make the same argument for? Literally tens of thousands. Bogus.


For his case to hold any water he would have to prove that Cold Play deliberately used his song as a model or frame work in order to write their song. I find it highly doubtful that Cold Play listens to Joe Satriani music. :lol:


It's very simple --

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I might also add that the Grammys are nothing more a glorified music industry poll.


Being here in Nashville, I have several industry connections that get ballots. When they get them, they just check the most familiar name in all the categories and nominations they are unfamiliar with. Do they listen to the music nominated? Nope. This is apparently common practice and goes to show that the Grammy's are nothing more than a popularity contest and a tool for the industry to push the top selling artists.


I have even received calls from friends with ballots- "I need help choosing some of these artists because I have never heard of them." :facepalm:

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What? Please,...give me a {censored}ing break.

I've heard both songs,...sure, some of the progressions and the rhythms are vaguely similar, but that's about it. The songs are in different keys and I would have never made the connection. Do you know how many songs in the rock/pop genre U can make the same argument for? Literally tens of thousands. Bogus.

For his case to hold any water he would have to prove that Cold Play deliberately used his song as a model or frame work in order to write their song. I find it highly doubtful that Cold Play listens to Joe Satriani music.

It's very simple --


Vaguely similar? Did you listen to that mashup clip on the first page? Dude is note for note singing along to the guitar.

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