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Sweep picking first attempt


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Ive been playing guitar for about 20 years now (with about a 8 yr layoff). Since I started playing lead I have always been blues based. Some guy told me I was maybe progressive rock, blues. Others have compared my playing to slash and a lil srv(not that Im as good as either, just similar). Last night at practice my drummer asked if I could play a certain thing with sweep picking and I really didnt know what it was. So tonight I am popping my cherry and it aint easy! I feel clumbsy again like when I was first starting playing. Anyone else been intimidated by da sweeps??

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I refer you to your sig., minus the half with the grammar error.


:lol:wtf are you talking about?:facepalm:


Anyway, yeah practicing with a metronome is a good idea. Just don't give up and maybe learn some etudes, the second half of crossroads or something like that is good. Some people say its better to practice without distortion but i play w/out dist. all the time and have never noticed much difference with high gain to be honest. Maybe if you play with a {censored}-ton of reverb like Yngwie that will help. :p


But even if you get all :soapbox: just practice with an acoustic or something to help build chops. :thu:


EDIT: I just got the joke JGTB, ok, noted.


*takes breath, counts to ten*


"all things in moderation, including moderation it's self."



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:lol:wtf are you talking about?

Anyway, yeah practicing with a metronome is a good idea. Just don't give up and maybe learn some etudes, the second half of crossroads or something like that is good. Some people say its better to practice without distortion but i play w/out dist. all the time and have never noticed much difference with high gain to be honest. Maybe if you play with a {censored}-ton of reverb like Yngwie that will help.

But even if you get all :soapbox: just practice with an acoustic or something to help build chops.

All things in moderation....including sweeping.

It should be "its" not "it's".

And I believe (yes I know I started a sentence with a conjuction but it's accepted now) the original quote was "All things in moderation including moderation".

Ok, enough stick poking for now!!! :poke::poke:

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All things in moderation....including sweeping.

It should be "its" not "it's".

And I believe (yes I know I started a sentence with a conjuction but it's accepted now) the original quote was "All things in moderation including moderation".

Ok, enough stick poking for now!!! :poke::poke:

I'm pretty sure it should be "itself" not "its self" :poke:

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yes. very intimidated. right now, i can only sweep to get to another string. so it's still very basic. I decided to learn some dethklok, so i'm really practicing it now. the sweep line from thunderhorse is {censored}ing sweet.:thu:

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