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Anyone want to do any vocals or horns??


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I've been trying for days.. to do just that.. everytime I sit down with my horn or try to sing, a door slams, a snow blower goes by, the phone rings, a kid busts in and asks if there is anything to eat..


I'm fed up trying for now..


However this is a pretty flexable canvas, if anyone wants to have a go at some vocals or horn.. or just about anything really..


It's basically a lifted/manipulated midi file for drums and such with me doing the Bass, guitar, piano and organ real time..


Willow Weeping

lo-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplayer.m3u?id=7190892&q=lo

hi-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplayer.m3u?id=7190892&q=hi


Any takers?

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I've got a pretty good synth that'll do horns, but I have no way to download it, when I tried to listen to your song it's all "skippy", will have to try again.




It's a nice thought, I blew keyboard horns on it.. just didn't work out.. if the tune was cleaned up with some real horns I think it might be quite charming..


thanks for the idea though!



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It might be easier for potential collaborators if you remove the lead guitar...(not saying I have anything to offer...)




I certainly could remove or add anything anyone wanted..


In my head, or if I end up doing it, I hear the horn blowing around and calling to the guitar, and the vocals singing with the guitar line, perhaps in harmony to the main guitar thrust..


But thats just my twisted head.. I have no clue how stuff is really supposed to be done..


Thanks for the thoughts..

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I can do ok vocals for my stuff but have never tried someone else's stuff...even when I try certain covers if they are not right for me I suck...if you want I will put up a link or two for what I have done...heck here is a couple...



http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6954088 play hi fi


If I suck on yours I will trash faster than a NY second!!

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I can do ok vocals for my stuff but have never tried someone else's stuff...even when I try certain covers if they are not right for me I suck...if you want I will put up a link or two for what I have done...heck here is a couple...

play hi fi

If I suck on yours I will trash faster than a NY second!!



If you can think of a vocal angle, let me know if there is anything you want removed or added..


We may end up with a few contributions on this one yet..

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If you can think of a vocal angle, let me know if there is anything you want removed or added..

We may end up with a few contributions on this one yet..



Well...hmm...I thought maybe by your post you had some lyrics...do you have any?


These might be a start...really rough and I don't know where the changes come...if you can put marks of time where you think a lyric would start and stop that would help too...this has a real bluesy feel to it..passionate...that is how it sounds and how it would/should be sung...



The sky's dark and the Willows weeping

As it bows to the ground

Where we would lay at night

Your skin soft smooth and brown


We would run to edge of the city

In the fields we understood

How to stay far out of sight

Out deep in the willow woods


That's somewhere we could go

And drink wine from a paper cup

Touch and caress under the stars

Til the night chewed it's self up


IDK...this could be totally off and not good but heck it is hard throwing lyrics at music you didn't write...tell me if this is at all anything you like...whew...kind of like exposing yourself...writing open like this naked to the world is intimidating...

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Well...hmm...I thought maybe by your post you had some lyrics...do you have any?

These might be a start...really rough and I don't know where the changes come...if you can put marks of time where you think a lyric would start and stop that would help too...this has a real bluesy feel to it..passionate...that is how it sounds and how it would/should be sung...

The sky's dark and the Willows weeping

As it bows to the ground

Where we would lay at night

Your skin soft smooth and brown

We would run to edge of the city

In the fields we understood

How to stay far out of sight

Out deep in the willow woods

That's somewhere we could go

And drink wine from a paper cup

Touch and caress under the stars

Til the night chewed it's self up

IDK...this could be totally off and not good but heck it is hard throwing lyrics at music you didn't write...tell me if this is at all anything you like...whew...kind of like exposing yourself...writing open like this naked to the world is intimidating...


I can't speak for max, but I like it.:thu:

needs as good a chorus as you have for the verses

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Ok, if you can offer it something in the keyboard dept go to work! Let me know what I can do to help.




actually I'm using a Roland GR-1 guitar synth,

I'll download it and see what happens over the next few days

thanks for the opportunity

I'll get you a copy first and you decide on the outcome, or if it's really crappy I'll just say I couldn't work it out

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I've been trying for days.. to do just that.. everytime I sit down with my horn or try to sing, a door slams, a snow blower goes by, the phone rings, a kid busts in and asks if there is anything to eat..

I'm fed up trying for now..

However this is a pretty flexable canvas, if anyone wants to have a go at some vocals or horn.. or just about anything really..

It's basically a lifted/manipulated midi file for drums and such with me doing the Bass, guitar, piano and organ real time..

Willow Weeping

lo-fi URL:

hi-fi URL:

Any takers?



Heck, no... I used to think I could sort of sing and play (guitar) but after the last week or two, I'm really not so sure... I can't seem to hit 3 notes in a row (anywhere close -- even close as usual which ain't too) singing and the last guitar solo I tried to track just got worse with every pass.


This is what happens when you ignore your music and don't practice... and it's not pretty.



Speaking of pretty... this is a nice, amiably loose-limbed slow blues you've got going in your OP, 333. Some of the drums seem a bit busy and a little chaotic but the guitar has a nice slow, burn authority...

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Heck, no... I
to think I could sort of sing and play (guitar) but after the last week or two, I'm really not so sure... I can't seem to hit 3 notes in a row (anywhere close -- even close as usual which ain't too) singing and the last guitar solo I tried to track just got worse with every pass.

is what happens when you ignore your music and don't practice... and it's not pretty.

Speaking of pretty... this is a nice, amiably loose-limbed slow blues you've got going in your OP, 333. Some of the drums seem a bit busy and a little chaotic but the guitar has a nice slow, burn authority...




Thats what FX are for ...a little reverb and a little compression and I even start to sound ok...dry is not that pretty...throw smidge of fx chorus and warmth on the guitar and all of a sudden your Paul McCartny!!


Having messed around with this stuff for a little while(very little while) I can hear it a little more now in big time recordings...caught McCartney using reverb in Yesterday...if he can use it then I'm sure as hell gonna use it...just have to use a light hand...I may already be over using it...IDK:idk:

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actually I'm using a Roland GR-1 guitar synth,

I'll download it and see what happens over the next few days

thanks for the opportunity

I'll get you a copy first and you decide on the outcome, or if it's really crappy I'll just say I couldn't work it out



Great.. I will love to hear what you come up with..


Try and save anything you do as it's own file seperate from the total composition (if possible).. I can point you to free multi track software if you don't have any,l this way for mixing purposes there would be great flexability.


Either way I will be glad to see what you come up with..

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Heck, no... I
to think I could sort of sing and play (guitar) but after the last week or two, I'm really not so sure... I can't seem to hit 3 notes in a row (anywhere close -- even close as usual which ain't too) singing and the last guitar solo I tried to track just got worse with every pass.

is what happens when you ignore your music and don't practice... and it's not pretty.

Speaking of pretty... this is a nice, amiably loose-limbed slow blues you've got going in your OP, 333. Some of the drums seem a bit busy and a little chaotic but the guitar has a nice slow, burn authority...




I do the same thing all the time.. in fact I am in my 'I suck' mode as we speak.. I couldn't make song worth crud right now if I had to.


I have a few days when I feel like there is nothing musically I couldn't do, and then a few miserable days when I realize I am a hack and am kidding myself.


They say there are drugs for such things, but thats another problem.. *L*

These days I don't even take an asprin, haven't had a drink in a good long time and got to lazy to go look for pot.. iso I am almost a saint at this point.. and as good as they say that is for you, I find my creative desire squelched dramaticly,... however.. that squelching of desire IS tempered a bit by actualy remembering I have a song in the works the next day.. arrrrghhh.


If nothing else, thanks for letting me vent! I totaly understand in my own interpretive way, exactly what your going through right now yourself.. Hang in there.. it'll come back.. at least I keep telling myself that..



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Great.. I will love to hear what you come up with..

Try and save anything you do as it's own file seperate from the total composition (if possible).. I can point you to free multi track software if you don't have any,l this way for mixing purposes there would be great flexability.

Either way I will be glad to see what you come up with..



check your PM

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I do the same thing all the time.. in fact I am in my 'I suck' mode as we speak.. I couldn't make song worth crud right now if I had to.

I have a few days when I feel like there is nothing musically I couldn't do, and then a few miserable days when I realize I am a hack and am kidding myself.

They say there are drugs for such things, but thats another problem.. *L*

These days I don't even take an asprin, haven't had a drink in a good long time and got to lazy to go look for pot.. iso I am almost a saint at this point.. and as good as they say that is for you, I find my creative desire squelched dramaticly,... however.. that squelching of desire IS tempered a bit by actualy remembering I have a song in the works the next day.. arrrrghhh.

If nothing else, thanks for letting me vent! I totaly understand in my own interpretive way, exactly what your going through right now yourself.. Hang in there.. it'll come back.. at least I keep telling myself that..



Yeah... it's bad. It's like... I'll listen to my old tracks and find myself thinking... I should hire that guy!



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Well...hmm...I thought maybe by your post you had some lyrics...do you have any?

These might be a start...really rough and I don't know where the changes come...if you can put marks of time where you think a lyric would start and stop that would help too...this has a real bluesy feel to it..passionate...that is how it sounds and how it would/should be sung...

The sky's dark and the Willows weeping

As it bows to the ground

Where we would lay at night

Your skin soft smooth and brown

We would run to edge of the city

In the fields we understood

How to stay far out of sight

Out deep in the willow woods

That's somewhere we could go

And drink wine from a paper cup

Touch and caress under the stars

Til the night chewed it's self up

IDK...this could be totally off and not good but heck it is hard throwing lyrics at music you didn't write...tell me if this is at all anything you like...whew...kind of like exposing yourself...writing open like this naked to the world is intimidating...



It looks good on paper..


I get a lot of flack for never posting lyrics with my songs, but I feel pretty strongly that the lyrics are part of the music, I don't put up chord sheets or staff.. what I mean is reading lyrics and figuring out their place in a song, is a lot like reading part of a recipie and thinking you know how it tastes..


Or in other words, we have all heard some really awkward lyrics, that worked out great in a song, and we have all heard excellent well meaning prose, reduced to rubble when put to music.


I like your words.. if you want to deliver them I myself hear vocals at :33 to 2:05 and possibly 3:03 onward, but any vocalist can have the latitude they want.. it's a blank slate..


Let me know what I can do to help you on the music end.



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.kind of like exposing yourself...writing open like this naked to the world is intimidating...



I agree the world in general does not deal with honesty and open-ness gracefuly..


Don't let that hinder you.. it should NEVER intimidate you.. let yourself out of the cage others would confine you to if you let them! :)

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Sigh.. I don't know how.. probably right in front of my face..

I have to run into town, i'll figure out how to read PM's upon my return ..

Talk with you soon..




Look in the top right corner of your screen , you'll see Private Messages, click on this and it'll open up your messages, you can send or reply just like email, only I can't find a way to attach anything here so need your email address unless you want me to post on soundclick. Would really rather not do that until you have a chance to hear the song first.

While I'm here, I noticed a buzz starting at :56 and going thru to 1:43 seems to be in the right side channel. I can't do anything with it. Must have been from the download from soundclick.

As I stated in the pm I sent you, I've got two separate copies, One is split track with the horns panned to far one side and the original panned to the opposite side, thought if you download to a PC or mixer it'd be easier to adjust volume levels. On the second copy I mixed in with the original only at a fairly low volume ,didn't want to walk over the guitar and wanted the horns more in the background.



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