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Can someone describe a DRY sound?


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maybe using amps and rank them from dry to wet?


i tried a VHT sig:x, and i wasn't too sure what made it dry sounding.


I've also played:


Mesa Mark IV & I reissue, Stiletto ace, 2ch Dual Rectifier, Quad, DC series 3 and 10,


Marshall JVM, 50 watt Plexi, and AVT series


Budda Superdrive 45 or whatever that is called


Orange Rockerverb 50 and Rocker 30.


Peavey 5150 and JSX


I'm thinking my problem is i didnt try most of these amps at practice or gigging volume. Only ones i have tried loud were the Dual, JSX, Quad, Plexi, Budda and Rockerverb 50.


I wanted to try the VHT louder but i get shy at music stores.


so if anyone can, use what i know as a comparison. It would help me understand i think.

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In general audio/music, dry or wet refers to effects, usually reverb or delay. A "wet mix" is one that has a lot of reverb, a "dry mix" is no reverb and up front.


In guitar terminology, it has to do with gain, saturation, sag, bloom, high mids vs low mids, etc...

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the plexi you played would probably be the driest, if you didn't use a boost. with the 5150 being the most saturated. imo.



i tried the plexi with an attenuator, it sounded really good with this strat i was using at the time. The guy said it sounded really crispy and i think that would be the perfect description for it.


I think I have an idea of what dry means now. I guess I really like the sound of a Dry amp.


I might as well go out and get the VH4 then, I've had my eye on one of those and the recent thread just reignited my interest.

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(Start at 7:48)




From this, I'm thinking saturated is a more forgiving, squishy sound, while a dry tone is a more precise sound. Am i right?

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from my experience dry amps tend to cut though better live. where the super saturated amps have a tendency to be very muddy and unarticulate live. you just need to know how to dial them in correctly.



i think another of my problems is i have a tendency to try to make all the amps i try out sound the same. I mean I pretty much change the settings on one amp to match what I had sound-wise on another amp. If something sounded really squishy, I would roll back the gain and boost.


But I don't know.


I need to try out that VHT again but with a set of balls swaying back and forth.



God help me if I puss out again.

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I was reading an article today about certain people whose sensory info is sort of crossed, for instance chicken tastes "pointy" or the character for the number five is 'red'. Hearing colours for notes, genders for letters, etc. etc...


They went on to say that everyone has that little bit in us and that's why we can have language and other descriptive things. That's why if you show someone a picture of a round amoeba looking thing and some ninja star looking thing and ask them "which is a blow-boo, and which is a kricky-kreek" chances are the blow-boo is the amoeba thing, etc... That's why you have to open your mouth more to say "tenny weeny" than "very big"...


Anyway this pic just reminded me of that article. Because the green spongey substances there do indeed look wet/dry, even though they have nothing to do with guitar tone, and are probably the best description offered in this thread so far...







Edit: VHTs are green

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I was reading an article today about certain people whose sensory info is sort of crossed, for instance chicken tastes "pointy" or the character for the number five is 'red'. Hearing colours for notes, genders for letters, etc. etc...

They went on to say that everyone has that little bit in us and that's why we can have language and other descriptive things. That's why if you show someone a picture of a round amoeba looking thing and some ninja star looking thing and ask them "which is a blow-boo, and which is a kricky-kreek" chances are the blow-boo is the amoeba thing, etc... That's why you have to open your mouth more to say "tenny weeny" than "very big"...

Anyway this pic just reminded me of that article. Because the green spongey substances there do indeed look wet/dry, even though they have nothing to do with guitar tone, and are probably the best description offered in this thread so far...


I actually remember something like that in one of my psychology books and it had a page dedicated to the story of someone that has that sort of criss cross of thinking. It said the persob saw a bunch of colors almost like a light show appeared before their eyes at some orchestral concert thing. It was really interesting.

I wonder if it helps people have perfect pitch, you know? Maybe they will see a certain pattern or color with a specific pitch.

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I actually remember something like that in one of my psychology books and it had a page dedicated to the story of someone that has that sort of criss cross of thinking. It said the persob saw a bunch of colors almost like a light show appeared before their eyes at some orchestral concert thing. It was really interesting.

I wonder if it helps people have perfect pitch, you know? Maybe they will see a certain pattern or color with a specific pitch.

Well that might be possible actually. One experiment they mentioned was, if you look at some character on a piece of paper, and in the peripheral of your vision on that paper is a 5 surrounded by 3s, it will look like a black blur and you won't be able to tell what it is...

But these people would know it's a five, because the damn thing would be glowing red while the threes are all green. :facepalm:


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Well that might be possible actually. One experiment they mentioned was, if you look at some character on a piece of paper, and in the peripheral of your vision on that paper is a 5 surrounded by 3s, it will look like a black blur and you won't be able to tell what it is...

But these people would know it's a five, because the damn thing would be glowing red while the threes are all green.


I wonder if those people are annoyed by that trait of theirs...

I would be interested to experience the world that way for a day.

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