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"Photograph" [Alt-Rock]


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Hey everyone, I just finished up another new song. Well, its mostly done, I'm still looking for ways to improve it before I finalize it for good in a few weeks. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!


This song is about a dying forbidden love, and photographs are the only thing that can keep their memories of each other alive. Hopefully, that idea comes across clearly in the lyrics :)









This candlelight is slowly fading away

Our time runs out with every breath we take

And the oxygen is floating miles away

This surely is the final kiss we'll make


Please don't you cry

Let me focus into you

And keep you alive


These photographs so special

I'll never let them fade

I'll hide them well behind these walls

Our memories are safe

Our memories so precious

They're formed from fragile glass

We shared our tears in secrecy

We tried to make this last


Please don't you cry

Let me focus into you

And keep you alive


We will shoot this lens one more time

And we will shoot this lens one more time


Our time runs out

I say goodbye

Our secret's out

Our candles die


Please don't you cry

Let me take your photograph

And keep you alive


Please don't you cry

Let me focus into you

And keep you alive


Let me take your photograph...

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Excellent melody + production.

This is a cool line:

We shared our tears in secrecy

We tried to make this last

I thought this line was weak:

Let me focus into you



Thanks for the feedback! Well, the line "let me focus into you" does has some symbolic ground, but unless I can think of a better line its probably gonna stay. I really like the rhythm and melody there, and I've definitely been thinking of ways to make that lyric a bit different, but I have yet to come up with anything that fits well .



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