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Radiohead on grammys !!!


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I often wonder what lesser talented musicians (and rap artist) think when they see artist/bands of greatness like Radiohead? What did Pat Boone do when he saw Little Richard? What did the Who do when they saw Hendrix? What did Winger do when they saw Nirvana?? Maybe they're to ignorant to understand? I'm sure their money helps ease the pain but I wonder.

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What are you people talking about? That radiohead performance was great!


Anyone who says they're boring is out of their mind. They're unique and unpredictable, one of the only bands to actually try new things and not sound like they've lost their way.


Lyrics, texture, variety, rhythm, melody they have everything.


Metallica on the other hand:


lyrics - fail

texture - 80's metal so fail by default

variety - fail

rhythm - lars (read: fail)

melody - maybe

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I am a big fan, and have pretty much everything they've released up to now. But, having said that, they have moments where they lost me entirely.

The Bends is perfect, pretty much. In Rainbows is a really good album, thank God.




Both of their most accessible albums..



At least they tried stuff with those other albums, tried something different. You may like it or you may not, but I at least respect what they've done.

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What are you people talking about? That radiohead performance was great!

Anyone who says they're boring is out of their mind. They're unique and unpredictable, one of the only bands to actually try new things and not sound like they've lost their way.

Lyrics, texture, variety, rhythm, melody they have everything.

Metallica on the other hand:

lyrics - fail

texture - 80's metal so fail by default

variety - fail

rhythm - lars (read: fail)

melody - maybe





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I didn't mean that in the elitist sense, I just meant "I don't get the appeal of this".

I think Radiohead is a great band, but I don't think they're the second coming, or anything.

I can definitely see the appeal of their older music. The nonsense they make now is IMO pretentious and overrated...

So the appeal would be "well, I listen to Radiohead:idea:" :blah:

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I often wonder what lesser talented musicians (and rap artist) think when they see artist/bands of greatness like Radiohead?
What did Pat Boone do when he saw Little Richard? What did the Who do when they saw Hendrix? What did Winger do when they saw Nirvana?? Maybe they're to ignorant to understand? I'm sure their money helps ease the pain but I wonder.


just for the record, since i like Winger and hate Nirvana, they can't even be compared they are so different, but no one in Nirvana is a "better" musician than the guys in Winger.

Better songwriters? Maybe, and even that is debatable, depending on who you're talking to. Not only can Reb Beach play circles around Kurt from a technical standpoint, he also writes songs and has written for and with some country and pop artists, same with Kip Winger.

And my favorite part of Nirvana, Dave Grohl is not a better drummer than Rod Morgenstein.

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just for the record, since i like Winger and hate Nirvana, they can't even be compared they are so different, but no one in Nirvana is a "better" musician than the guys in Winger.

Better songwriters? Maybe, and even that is debatable, depending on who you're talking to. Not only can Reb Beach play circles around Kurt from a technical standpoint, he also writes songs and has written for and with some country and pop artists, same with Kip Winger.

And my favorite part of Nirvana, Dave Grohl is not a better drummer than Rod Morgenstein.


Sorry, just delete that part from my post, unless you prefer Pat to Little Richard as well... I can't ever remember if Winger was around at the same time to be honest? I didn't say they were technically better, just seems like Nirvana is still relevant and good and Winger is a bit dated. :o

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And my favorite part of Nirvana, Dave Grohl is not a better drummer than Rod Morgenstein.



you're kidding right? listen... i went to berklee and have heard rod play a lot... and technically he's better than grohl for sure. to say more technical is better is retarded. is vai (or any other shredder) better than hendrix??? not in a million years. hendrix was sloppy and i still consider him the greatest (rock) guitarist ever. winger didn't make any lasting impression on music today. nirvana and especially grohl (as a drummer and writer/artist) has. winger was a decent band at the time just like todays creeds and r and b / hip hop artists. more technical doesn't mean better. i'm not a huge kobain fan but he had some solos that sonically just fit perfectly. he's a little overrated but he was a great writer and worthy of respect.

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you're kidding right? listen... i went to berklee and have heard rod play a lot... and technically he's better than grohl for sure. to say more technical is better is retarded. is vai (or any other shredder) better than hendrix??? not in a million years. hendrix was sloppy and i still consider him the greatest (rock) guitarist ever.
winger didn't make any lasting impression on music today. nirvana and especially grohl (as a drummer and writer/artist) has
. winger was a decent band at the time just like todays creeds and r and b / hip hop artists. more technical doesn't mean better. i'm not a huge kobain fan but he had some solos that sonically just fit perfectly. he's a little overrated but he was a great writer and worthy of respect.



Again, comparing the two is like apples and oranges, but if you want to talk about "making a lasting impression", specifically Rod vs Dave, Rod has played with the Dregs, TEACHES at Berkelee, and can and has given clinics, Dave does not. I REALLY like Dave Grohl, and he has my utmost respect, but more as an all around musician and songwriter, not as just a drummer. Not many people talk about Dave Grohl the drummer anymore, when you mention Winger, one of the only positive things that gets mentioned is Rod Morgenstein.


I know that technical doesn't mean better, but simple doesn't always mean better either. I guess it depends on who you talk to.

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Look, if you go back and read my post, I said you really can't compare the two, apples and oranges, but, they are BOTH dated to me at this point.

I still listen to Nirvana... :) I really dig Alice and Chains and Pearl Jam to. It is a matter of taste. Just don't like Winger, maybe it's because of watching Beavis and Butthead so much, kind of ingrained in my brain to hate them? :confused:

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