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Hi, missouri!


I'd like to suggest posting this in the thread specially set up for finished work: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2288680


Our emphasis here is on works in progress... we've found that letting folks ask for critiques of finished works just ends up flooding the forum with self-promo rather than legit requests for constructive criticism. Not to say that constructive crit on a finished work can't help us in future works... but you have to draw the line somewhere and the consequence of liberality in that regard is, unfortunately but understandably, a forum filled with thinly disguised promo.


Anyhow, while I was writing that, I listened to your track, and it's really very pretty and, with its 'oriental' pentatonic melodic figures, evocative of the title.


A very nice work.


But, now, having said all that, and being (sigh) moderator, I'm afraid that, to be fair to others who have suffered the same fate, I'm going to have to close this thread.


But I really hope you'll continue to hang out in the SW forum, giving feedback to others and, when your next tune is in process, I hope you'll feel free to share it with us for feedback and constructive crit at a stage in the process when it can do some good.


Again... nice tune!



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